Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Follow the King, Part 15

Being a Christian is not for wimps! Following the King is the hardest thing we can do in this life. It will put us at odds with almost everyone on earth, including some of our closest family members and friends. At times we will likely be at odds with others who are following Him. Then we have our...

Follow the King, Part 14

As we continue this theme of growing in the patience required to inherit the promises, we will look at the most popular of all Scriptures about waiting on the Lord, Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and...

Follow the King, Part 13

This is the third week we will address the need for patience and waiting on the Lord to follow the King. If you’re getting impatient with this, perhaps this is especially for you! I’m just sayin’… Growing in patience and learning to “wait upon the Lord” are necessary to walk in the faith that...

Follow the King, Part 12

Last week I shared how many times I had missed the Lord and His will for my life because of my impatience. Since I asked Him to help me with this, I have had daily challenges to my patience and often many each day. I am also starting to expect daily encounters with the Lord, or some other special...

Follow the King, Part 11

In the Gospels there’s a story about a sick man whose friends brought him to Jesus on a bed. Because of the crowd they could not get near Him, so they climbed up on the roof, tore a hole in it, and let him down in front of Jesus. The Lord was moved by their faith and healed him. The lesson here is...

Follow the King, Part 10

Anything God is in will be the most exciting thing happening in the world. The body of Christ, the church, will eventually become the most powerful and interesting force the world has ever known. We can be sure of this and become a part of it. If we become a part of it, we will live the most...

Follow the King, Part 9

Following the King of kings is the greatest adventure and most fulfilling life we can have on this earth. Likewise, visiting the house of the King of kings should be one of the most exciting things we ever do. Yet for far, too many going to His house, the church, can be one of the most boring...

Follow the King, Part 8

We are called to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, not just follow principles or doctrines. Knowing principles and sound biblical doctrine is important, but we’re called to follow a Person, not just teachings about Him. As we have been covering, to follow Him we must see Him. Our goal to follow Him...

Follow the King, Part 7

Elizabeth Browning once said, “Earth is crammed with heaven, and every bush is aflame with the fire of God, but only those who see take off their shoes. The rest just pick the berries.” As we begin to mature in Christ, we begin to see Him in all things. We see Him in creation because “all things...

Follow the King, Part 6

We could marvel at the creation forever. Its diversity in the multitudes of species of plants and animals are nearly incomprehensible. Still, there are multitudes that yet remain undiscovered. How they all interact with the earth and each other is a source of continuous discovery and amazement. We...