Jeff Oliver | The Art Of Drawing (3-5-2023 9AM)
Jeff Oliver, author of Pentecost To The Present Trilogy, uses a play on words to teach about drawing on the anointing instead of just being a spectator at church. We can be an active...
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Jeff Oliver, author of Pentecost To The Present Trilogy, uses a play on words to teach about drawing on the anointing instead of just being a spectator at church. We can be an active...
Justin Perry shares part 2 of his message from Sunday, January 22, 2023. He reviews that message and shares more insight from the book of Song of Solomon about the wilderness experience and the...
For the month of February, MorningStar Fellowship Church is meeting for the 9am service to worship and intercede together. MorningStar’s youth joins this main church service after the Youth On...