MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Gary Webb discusses how the Lord desires for each of us to be in community with one another. He also shares what that looks like and how we can expand our perspectives of God, His kingdom, and the...
Jeff Oliver speaks about divine healing and how we have access it as new covenant Christians. He also explains how divine healing has been observed throughout history and the...
Mary Anne Hardiman gives a message about the importance of the mother’s role, bringing together personal testimony, historical accounts, and Scripture to paint the picture.
Gary Webb discusses how we need to remain flexible in our spiritual practices so we can adapt worship, prayer, and engagement with Scripture according to God's leading. He encourages us to explore...
Mary-Anne Hardiman gives a message about what the Lord has done, who He is, and how His past actions help us understand the future. She also speaks about revolutionary church leaders from history...
Tom Hardiman gives a prophetic message concerning the Lord’s witness in the earth and what He has prophetically promised will happen in the nations.
Jeff Oliver gives a message on how we can prepare for future revivals. He explains what we can learn from past revivals, awakenings, and movements throughout history. He also issues a challenge to...
Robert Rummage shares how prophetic revelation is an invitation to see what God is doing in the world. Giving multiple examples from nature, he describes how we can see God’s fingerprints when we...