MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video

Sanctification Part 2


     Rick Joyner continues his teaching on sanctification, laying out the roadmap which starts with repentance. Both John and Jesus called for repentance because of the kingdom, not for fear of judgment. We must align ourselves with the ways of the kingdom, through the renewing of our minds in peace and rest.

Getting Started


Don Potter leads the entire service with songs and a message that encourage the church to rise up. He explains that the Lord has shown him how the music from the early years of MorningStar is now prophesying in today's events. He gives a brief history of his own experiences as a new Christian, ranging from his first time at a MorningStar conference to overcoming direct attacks from the enemy. A new and militant hope is imparted as the entire congregation unites as one with praise to our God.

All Aboard!


MaryAnn Hardiman – Ten-Minute Speaker: MaryAnn speaks about the upcoming women’s conference. She encourages women to seek to be all the Lord has made them to be.

Tom Hardiman – All Aboard! : Tom shares a prophetic experience he had where the Lord told him to shout, “All Aboard!” to the church. Another pastor confirms this word with a revelation he told Tom about. This confirmation explains what God is saying through the revelation: it is time to relocate to the place of our assignment, not just enjoying the view of the train ride, or just observing.