But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
     a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies
     of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
     for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God;
     you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy (I Peter 2:9-10).
The very first group of people to be called a "cult" were the first century Christians. At that time, it was not considered to be a derogatory comment to be called this because the word "cult" was derived from the word "culture." Christians were so different from other people that they were perceived to be an entirely different culture in the midst of the nations at the time. Of course, the word "cult" has a different meaning that we would not want applied to us today, but even so, Christians should be strikingly distinguishable from all other people.
In the Scripture quoted above, we are first declared to be "a chosen race." Have you ever considered that once you became a Christian you became part of another race of people? We are no longer white, black, red, Jew, or Gentile. As Christians we are called to be a different race within the earth that is distinguishable, not by the color of our skin, but by our lives and character. Our lives and character should be so different and powerful in Christlikeness that we stand out because of them. 
It is more difficult for minorities not to think of themselves first as a red or black man or woman, etc. Wherever there has been a history of racial prejudice, those discriminated against have their racial identity thrust upon them in a much stronger way than majorities. Even so, if our identity is not first as a Christian, we have much maturing to do. If our attraction to fellowship is not first toward other Christians above those with whom we are just racially identified, it is an indication that we are placing our identity in the flesh above our identity in the spirit.
This is not to imply that there should not be some identity and fellowship around one's natural race or culture. However, if our identity is not first as a Christian then something is awry. This is probably something that is askew with most Christians today because we fail to see ourselves as the separate race that we are called to be, the "chosen race." 
The second identity that we are given in I Peter 2:9 is "a royal priesthood." One of the great truths highlighted by the Reformation was the priesthood of all believers that the New Covenant makes clear. How many Christians even think in terms of their priestly calling and duties on a daily basis, or at all? Of those who know this doctrinal truth concerning our priesthood, how many are actually functioning in this calling, which we all have?
Not only are we a priesthood, we are a "royal" priesthood. Christians are the true royalty in the earth. We are sons and daughters of the King of kings. We should conduct our lives with the dignity, grace, and integrity of such royalty. We should also understand that a priesthood is first for the purpose of serving the Lord, but also serving all nations, races, and cultures with intercession and ministry. If our identity is truly with the Lord first, this duty as priests should be foremost in our minds above any other earthly duties or professions.
The final description that Peter gives to believers is that we are a holy nation. The Greek word translated "holy" in this text is hagios (hag'-ee-os), which is defined as "sacred, pure, morally blameless," as well as "religious, ceremonially, consecrated." Recent studies indicate that there is no longer a moral difference between those who consider themselves born again Christians and non-Christians, when just fifty years ago the difference was striking and profound. What has happened? It is the fulfillment of the Lord's own prophecy concerning the last days in Matthew 24:12, "And because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold."
There is clear evidence that in fact most Christians' love has grown cold, and they are no longer distinguishable by their character, or their love for God or one another. Even so, nowhere does it say that those whose love has grown cold cannot be reignited. This too is happening. One of the great revivals that is taking place at this time is the recovery of backslidden and lukewarm Christians.
The Word is also clear that before the end comes there is going to be a church that is pure and spotless. This is one of the primary purposes for restoring prophetic ministry to the church. Just as John the Baptist pre-pared for the Bridegroom the first time he came, there will be a prophetic ministry that will call God's people to repentance in preparation for His second coming. These messengers will be flames of fire, not to condemn, but to save and reignite the passion of our first love in the hearts of the "chosen race, the royal priesthood," that will actually be a separate, "holy nation" on the earth when He comes.