Week 40, 2013

        The basic nature of earthly governments has not changed. Governments were created for people, not the other way around, but they are like a horse that wants to control its rider. If a horse can control its rider, it will try to throw him off and hurt him. When people lose control of their government and let it take control of them, it will likewise become increasingly dangerous for the people. If we do not take strong and decisive control over our government, it will take strong and decisive control over us.

        The government of God, the kingdom, is different. The kingdom of God does not tend toward increasing control, but rather toward increasing liberty. It will control the immature for their safety, just as a parent has to exercise far more control over their young children. However, the older the child gets, the less control he should need. The goal of the kingdom of God is the maturity of people so that they can handle more of the freedom that releases the basic nature God gave to man—creativity and initiative.

        The image of God in which man was created was not that we have arms and legs like God or a face like He does, but that we have been given His nature in such ways as being creative. This is the place where man has a special relationship to the Creator. For there to be true creativity, there must be freedom. This is why the Lord put the Tree of the Knowledge in the Garden. There could be no true obedience if there was not the freedom to disobey.

         This tree was not put in the Garden to cause man to sin, but was the place where they could prove their love and devotion to God by choosing to obey. The first Adam failed and did not obey, but the “last Adam” prevailed, obeying in all things, and through His victory paradise will be recovered. As it is recovered, there will be increasing liberty. The coming kingdom will not take away the freedom of man, but rather restore it.

         We see this dichotomy between earthly human governments seeking increasing control and the kingdom of God seeking to make man more free. God loves man, loves the basic nature He gave to man, and wants it released. Because of the Fall, this basic nature of God, given to man, was marred, distorted, and perverted. However, as we are delivered from our sinful fallen nature, His nature will be restored in us, and we will become more free and expressive. 

        This freedom blesses God the same way that it blesses a parent. If you tell your child to do something for you, it will please you to see them obey. However, if they do something for you without you telling them, it is far more meaningful. This is why true worship of God requires a free expression of worship.

          Even though God ordained earthly human governments to maintain order until His kingdom comes, as the way is being prepared for His kingdom, there will be an increasing conflict between His kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. Increasingly, many will be standing in the way of His kingdom. This conflict is much of the prophecy found in the Book of Daniel. Human governments that begin to line up with the principles of His coming kingdom will have a much easier time, but those that are moving in conflict with His kingdom will be shattered.

          People whose lives are in harmony with the coming kingdom will become more stable, displaying the righteousness, peace, and joy that are His kingdom. Those who are in conflict with His coming kingdom will be getting shakier, more fearful, and depressed as all of mankind moves into the “Valley of Decision.” What is the trajectory of our life? What is the trajectory of our government?

          These are becoming critical questions. We must seek His kingdom and align ourselves to it. We have been given a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and we are now in the time when everything that can be shaken is being shaken. Stability, peace, and joy will only be found in one place—the kingdom.

          Our Christian walk is mostly personal as we are born again and seek to grow up into Christ on a personal basis. The Great Commission is to make disciples of nations, not just individuals. We are already beginning to see many believers moving from the focus on individuals to focusing on nations. This is evidence of maturity. We must never forget to work toward the salvation and restoration of individuals, because nations are composed of individuals. Even so, it is now time to consider how we can be a part of helping our nation learn and line up with the ways of the kingdom.