Week 11, 2015

       As we have considered, it was a great honor to be chosen as a disciple by one of the great teachers in biblical times, and yet we have been chosen by the King of kings to be His disciples. There is truly no higher calling or greater purpose. Even so, this is just the second step toward maturity in Christ. It is the laying of the foundation of our Christian life, but there is much that must be built upon it. However, the weight and height and breadth of what can be built upon it will be dependent on the quality and depth of the foundation.

         Consider the extraordinary times of preparation for the great callings in Scripture. The Apostle Paul went into what he called “the wilderness” for eleven to fourteen years before he was actually commissioned as an apostle. Those were years spent getting a revelation of the message he was to preach.

         Not all have such focused time to seek revelation of their purpose, although it is not just about concentrated time. However, if you have any opportunity to take concentrated time, do so. Even a year or two in Bible school, or any time set aside to seek the Lord can pay multiplied dividends for the rest of your life, and not only in this life but for eternity.

         How many people do you know with a college degree who are actually working in the field of their degree? What would have happened if these had taken a year after high school to enroll in a Bible or ministry school to seek God for their purpose and direction? Most would not only have kept from wasting four years studying what they may never use, but they would be laying a much stronger foundation for their life.

         It was for these that we started the MorningStar School of Ministry that is now MorningStar University. There are other great schools such as Bethel in Redding, CA, and IHOP in Kansas City, The Fire School in Charlotte, NC, and many others large and small. Think about making this investment for your kids or grandkids. As far as quality of life and a fruitful life, it could pay off far more than the best university degree. The quality of our discipleship in the Lord will determine the quality of our lives.

         If you are in-between jobs or retired, you can still do this and make the rest of your life more fruitful than you may have ever considered. You may not be in a place in life where you can take off a large amount of time for this, but I know other true disciples who invest in their discipleship by attending conferences when they can, taking online courses, watching videos, and listening to teachings. They read and study every chance they get, and this too will pay off.

         One of the most important truths is that we are all as close to the Lord as we want to be. If we seek Him, we will find Him. If we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. So at any given time, we are as close to Him as we want to be. How much do you love Him? How much do you want to know Him and be near to Him?