Week 12, 2015

         As we have been considering what it means to be a disciple of the King of kings, we need to look at a couple of other aspects before moving on to cover what it means to be His bondservant.

         First, not many have the opportunity to take a decade or more, as the Apostle Paul did, to seek the Lord for revelation of his calling and message. We are not told if Paul worked during this period, but it is likely he did, as he was still a skilled tentmaker after being sent out as an apostle. Or, he may have had several years to exclusively seek the Lord. But regardless, he had a concentrated time of pursing this revelation. This is preferred, if it is possible. Of course, it is not possible for everyone, and our discipleship need not suffer if it isn’t.

         If you need to work a full-time job, and you have a family or other obligations, you can still be well prepared if being the King’s disciple is truly the highest purpose of your life. It is more about heart and a focus driven by our love for God and desire to serve Him.

         I was able to spend years studying and seeking the Lord. Even when I worked as a corporate or charter pilot, I usually had hours a day in airports and hotel rooms that I used for study. After years of study, I condensed some of what I learned and put the best of it into my books, which can now be absorbed by others in a few hours. I was given the grace to study for the sake of those who did not have the time that I did.

         We have developed a plan for MorningStar University that will be implemented next year. We are condensing some of the best teaching we have into one of the most high-impact years I could have ever imagined. I think those who come to MSU will get in one year the cream of what it took some of us many years to get. I felt compelled to develop this to speed up all we are doing to equip God’s people in these times.

         Some of the greatest pastors, teachers, and prophetic voices of all time are alive today, and we have been very blessed to have had most of them speak at MorningStar. We are taking the best messages ever spoken here on any subject and are putting them into our online courses. I could not have dreamed of having resources like this when I was a young Christian. I think any true seeker can now accumulate all of the knowledge I have and more in a fraction of the time. There are other incredible schools equipping multitudes for the coming harvest. The Lord really has saved His best wine for last!

         At conferences we have hosted and others I’ve attended, I have felt more wisdom and knowledge come out in a concentrated, powerful form in three days than could have been received in many college courses that would take years. Of course, only the hungriest come to conferences—paying for travel, hotels, and other costs—and they get rewarded for it. In the years we have been doing conferences (nearly two hundred now), we have only had a couple of people say they did not get much more than they were expecting. Conferences are a major strategy of the Lord to prepare His people more quickly, because the time is short.

         My sister, Debbie, and I host a Writer’s Seminar each quarter that is limited to no more than thirty people. In three days we impart to attendees what took us decades to learn. Every time we do this, I think how much better my books would have been had I known when I started writing what I know now. Well, these people get it now—in three days! It doesn't seem fair, but it is a great honor to help the King’s servants serve Him better, and this seminar is one of my favorite things to do. 

         My main point is, if you have the heart to be the kind of disciple the King is worthy of, there are many ways available now to get teaching and training on a level hardly imaginable a couple of decades ago, much less in the first century. To be living in these times is remarkable. The Lord is the Teacher, and if we are seeking Him as our first love, He will teach us. The main thing is to resolve every day that the main purpose of each day is to learn from the Master, become more like Him, and seek to do the works He did. 

If you would like to learn more about upcoming events and conferences, click HERE for more information 

If you would like to learn more about MorningStar University or MSU Online, click on the link at the bottom of this page.