MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #15

The following are prophetic words, dreams, visions and revelations that we felt relate specifically to 1996. They were received by those whose prophetic gifts we have found to be trustworthy. The interpretations and applications usually came from discussions I had with those receiving the revelations, but they were written by me. It therefore must be considered that in some cases those receiving the revelation may have different interpretations or applications. We understand that these may not be the complete interpretations or applications, but are offering them for your consideration and judgment.

Rick Joyner

All Scripture References are NAS unless indicated.

A VISION FROM STEVE THOMPSON: Steve had a vision of copy machines breaking down.

INTERPRETATION: Ministries that are just copies of others will begin to fail this year. This is the judgment of the sons of Sceva (see Acts 19:14-16).

APPLICATION: The One who makes every snowflake different, every tree different, and every person different, is not going to constitute His church with spiritual clones. The Lord Jesus Himself never healed the same way twice, and appeared to not even teach the same message twice. The River of Life is just that--a river. A river is flowing, going somewhere, and never passes the same place twice. Every Christian is supposed to be an original. This year, those who are trying to build a ministry by trying to parrot other successful ministries will begin to fail.

A PROPHECY FROM BOB JONES:This is the year of the "book of Acts." It will become the "book of Ax," which the Lord will put to the root of the religious spirit in the church. This will be done by releasing more signs and wonders that cannot be denied.

INTERPRETATION: This year the Lord will use signs and wonders for proving that He is the same today as He was when the book of Acts was written.

APPLICATION: The Lord has never changed. To truly believe the Bible is to do the things that are written in it. Every one of us is as close to the Lord as we want to be. We can be as close to Him as anyone in the Bible. We can also walk in as much power as anyone, because the Lord Jesus Himself said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to My Father" (John 14:12).

A PROPHECY FROM RICK JOYNER:In many ways the church is called to be a spiritual hospital, but we are about to replace the "continuous care wards" with spiritual "maternity wards."

INTERPRETATION: Few things can deliver a woman from self-centeredness as fully as, or faster than, having a baby. Almost immediately a mother becomes consumed with meeting the needs of her helpless infant. We are about to have so many new births into the kingdom that many will be delivered from their "navel gazing" because of the overwhelming demand to take care of these new believers.

APPLICATION: Almost the entire church is anticipating a great ingathering of new believers. Much of the worldwide church has been experiencing it for years, and it will come to America. If we are, we will prepare for it.

We should look to the needs of new babies for the spiritual application. For example, we will need plenty of milk. It has been encouraging that much of the church has been trying to wean people from milk so that they can partake of spiritual meat, but we must not try to feed this meat to new believers.

Babies need almost constant attention. Many new believers die spiritually from neglect. We should have daily meetings for new believers, helping them lay a solid foundation of truth in their lives. We should also have someone on call at all times to respond to their needs until they are established in the faith.

We need to learn how to change spiritual diapers. Babies are messy, both when they eat and when they finish processing what they have eaten, but they are worth it! Don't throw the baby out with the dirty diapers.

Babies need to be held a lot. Their security comes from human touch. We must be willing to get close to new believers, even when they have messy diapers, or throw up on us occasionally. These are the King's children, and they deserve the very best ministry that we have.

A VISION FROM WILLIAM EDDLEMAN:William had a vision of a double door with "1996" on it hovering over the church.

INTERPRETATION: William heard the Lord give the interpretation that in 1996 He was going to open new horizons of understanding and effectiveness in both the spirit and the natural.

APPLICATION: This year we should look for new doors to open. To recognize doors that the Lord is opening we should look for increased understanding and effectiveness. We have also heard so many words about seeking the double portion again in 1996 that it is possible that these double doors could also relate to the double portion.

A PROPHECY FROM RICK JOYNER:Increasing spiritual power is about to be entrusted to those who have been faithful to the Word, and to their own words.

INTERPRETATION: We base our very salvation on faith that God keeps His word. His word is sure, and there is no greater foundation for our life than His word. If we are becoming like Him, our words should also be trustworthy. God will only trust with great authority those who are trustworthy, and our faithfulness to our own words is one of the primary indicators of this.

APPLICATION: The church today suffers great weakness because our words have lost their power. This has happened because we do not keep them. God's word has the ultimate authority because He is always faithful to it. Likewise, our words will only have power to the degree that we are faithful to them. Even neglecting to do the small things that we tell people we will do can have a major impact on our authority. The endorsement of God in our lives is, to a large degree, dependent upon our commitment to truth and integrity.

Many make commitments with the best intentions of keeping them, but still fail to do

so. Regardless of how good our intentions are, this causes a serious loss of trust within those we fail. Just as the strength of our relationship with God is determined by the strength of our trust in His word, the strength of every relationship is determined by the degree of trust. It is crucial for those who are destined to walk in spiritual authority that their "yes" mean "yes," and their "no" mean "no." Our word should be our bond, even without having to make oath. It is for this reason that the Lord said, "And I say to you, that every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned" (Matthew 12:36-37).

The greatest currency we will ever have with men will come from the trust they have in our words. We are called to be "pillars and supports of the truth," and the power of our message to the world will be dependent on our devotion to truth, integrity and the value that we give to our own words by keeping them.

This year God is calling us to judge ourselves, lest we be judged in this matter. If we will repent of our careless-ness with words, including our well-intended commitments to do things that we do not follow through with, and devote ourselves to increasing the value of our spiritual currency by being faithful to our words, the Lord will, this year, entrust us with much more of His authority and power.

A WORD OF WISDOM FROM REUVEN DORON: The only man in Scripture whom the Lord said He hated was Esau. We must learn the lesson of Esau lest we, too, cause a great offense to God.

INTERPRETATION: The sin of Esau which so offended God was that he sold his birthright for a single bowl of stew. He valued the immediate gratification of his flesh more than his eternal inheritance.

APPLICATION: How often do we, too, belittle our eternal inheritance in Christ by compromising it for the demands of our flesh? The apostle Paul stated:

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so; and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh--for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abbe! Father!"' (Romans 8:6-8,12-15).

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:There will be an increased emphasis on healing this year.

INTERPRETATION: Again, it is important that we know what the Holy Spirit is doing so that we can be a part of it. We should have our spiritual eyes and ears open to what He is saying on healing this year, determining to grow in l healing gifts and


APPLICATION: The Lord knows the end from the beginning. If He is emphasizing healing it is likely that we are going to need more healing in the times ahead. Medical science will never be able to cope with the catastrophic diseases and plagues that biblical prophecy makes clear will come upon the world at the end of the age, which even natural science is now predicting.

We can already see the beginning "birth pangs" of these medical disasters. The overuse of antibiotics has itself set a terrible trap for mankind in two ways: many bacteria have grown in their resistance to antibiotics, and by our overuse of them our own immune systems have not been allowed to fully develop. We must come to know the Lord as our healer if we are to endure the days to come. This does not mean that we do not use doctors, or medicines, but let us seek to grow in faith for healing continually until we walk in what we have been called to, which is to have authority over diseases, in His name.

A WORD FROM BOB JONES:It will be the best of times and the worst of times. The judgements that have begun will continue to worsen, such as storms, earthquakes, drought, famines, and pestilence. But for the church it will be one of the best of years. The church is about to become so busy reaping fruit that she will not have time to notice the problems of the world.

INTERPRETATION: The Lord is going to make a distinction between those who are living in obedience to Him and those who are living according to the ways of the world.

APPLICATION: We need to recognize the judgments of God, realizing that even His judgments are mercy calling men to turn to Him. That the Lord is about to make the distinction between those who obey Him and those who do not will begin to awaken many to their folly. As Solomon understood, "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil" (Ecclesiastes 8:11). The more quickly judgment comes, the more likely men are to turn from their evil ways.

A PROPHECY FROM RICK JOYNER:Psalm 68:11 will be illuminated in the church this year: "The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim good tidings are a great host."

INTERPRETATION: The Lord is the One who gave the command, and we must receive the great company of women who are called to publish the gospel.

APPLICATION: Many of the greatest blessings that we can receive come from blessing what God is blessing. Those who work with God to help release women that He has called into ministry will be blessed. The church will never be all that we are called to be until every member is able to function in their calling. Women make up over half the church and this must be given the highest priority or we will continue to be at least half paralyzed.

A WORD FROM BOB JONES:This year we will not say that the apostles are going to come, but that they have already come.

INTERPRETATION: This year the Lord will begin to reveal ministries that have true apostolic authority.

APPLICATION: We should begin to search the Scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to give us revelation on this ministry. According to Ephesians 4:11-13, it is clear that the

apostolic ministry is required for the equipping of the church, so this ministry must be restored. If we do not receive a prophet in the name of a prophet we will not receive a prophet's reward, or the full benefit of his ministry. The same is also true of the other ministries. If we do not receive an apostle in the name of an apostle, we will not receive the full benefit of his ministry, and therefore we will not be fully equipped.

A PROPHECY FROM WILLIAM EDDLEMAN:Many people whose gifts have been dormant will have an opportunity for a new beginning.

INTERPRETATION: In light of the above word, these could be spiritual or natural gifts.

APPLICATION: Many times in Scripture, even though it was obviously time for a prophecy to be fulfilled, righteous men such as Daniel would devote themselves to praying, fasting and seeking the Lord for the fulfillment of His word. The reason why many gifts have been dormant in people is because they were waiting for God to do something--and He was waiting for them. If it is the time for something to happen, we should not just sit back and wait, but ask, seek and knock until the doors are opened.

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:The anointing on prophets will increase again this year.

INTERPRETATION: Just as with the word for healing, we need to flow with what God is doing. With a greater anointing there will be a greater blessing, but also a greater accountability. We were told last year to pray for "the double portion in our ministry." In our local congregation, and with many of those associated with us, we believe that the anointing on the prophetic gifts did at least double last year. Even those who were relatively new operating in the prophetic gifts began receiving revelation on a level that we had only witnessed in very mature ministries before. Never have we had so many seeing or receiving visitations from angels, or being caught up in extraordinary spiritual experiences that proved to be genuine. We believe that this grace is continuing, and we are asking for another double portion in the coming year.

Like the increase that is being experienced in the healing power released by the Lord, we know that this grace is coming to us because we will need it. In the days to come it will be imperative for all believers to know the voice of the Lord, and to be open for Him to speak to them in all the ways that He has spoken in the Scriptures. The Lord Jesus said that His sheep follow Him because they know His voice. The degree to which we are able to follow the Lord in our day to day lives is dependent upon how well we know His voice. We must be devoted to growing in this.

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:Greater accountability is coming to the prophetic word. If we do not heed the prophetic words given, judgment will come much more quickly.

INTERPRETATION: This is to be expected when there is an increase of anointing on the prophetic word. The higher the level of revelation, or the greater the maturity of those that the message is for, the greater the accountability to that word.

APPLICATION: There are two basic ways in which such accountability is increased: The first is that when the word comes on a higher level, or with a greater demonstration of power, there is an increased accountability to it. For example, if Gabriel appears to you and gives you a message directly, there will a greater

accountability to that word than if it came by an impression. There is also a greater accountability to listen to those who receive revelation on a higher level, when we know this to be true. For example, Miriam and Aaron, though prophets themselves, suffered a severe judgment for resisting Moses, who met with the Lord face to face, or on a higher level than they did. Now this level of revelation was not just something that Moses boasted about; all of Israel watched Moses meet with the Lord in this way, so their accountability to his words was much greater.

Secondly, we see that with greater spiritual maturity there is a greater accountability to be able to discern the word of the Lord, even when it comes on a lower level, or from an unexpected source. Josiah, one of the most righteous kings in Judah's history, died because he did not heed the word of the Lord spoken through Neko, king of the Egyptians, who was his enemy. As we grow, the more we are expected to discern the true word of the Lord regardless of through whom, or how, it comes to us. Greater authority requires greater obedience.

A PROPHECY FROM BOB JONES:Acts 13:6-11 will become real for the church this year.

INTERPRETATION: God has given His church power over the sorcerers and false prophets, and we are about to start walking in it.

APPLICATION: Even though cults and promoters of new age doctrines are growing in supernatural power, He who is in us is much greater than he who is in the world. We must never be intimidated by those who display supernatural power, but rather accept every confrontation with them as an opportunity to show the world the deception of their ways.

A VISION FROM RICK JOYNER:I saw multitudes of young people, black and white together, marching and demonstrating. They all carried banners but there was nothing written on them. I then heard a voice from heaven saying, "Who will give them their cause?" I saw a long line of men and women waiting to speak to the crowd. They represented many different causes, but to my shock most of them were Nazis. I then felt a gripping urgency to speak to this great crowd before they did.

INTERPRETATION: Before my conversion I went to many rock festivals and anti- war demonstrations. I had some political convictions, but they were mostly an excuse for going to the party. I found the same to be true of most of the others who went. However, I was always amazed at how these people would become raging lions of courage during these demonstrations, suffering beatings or worse before they would retreat. This was the same radical resolve I saw on the young people in the vision. If the church does not rise up to give our youth a cause, and one that requires radical commitment, another cause will write its name on their banners. The greatest threat this time will not be socialism or communism, but fascism.

APPLICATION: The youth are going to be mobilized again, and they are waiting for a cause. They will respond to radical Christianity, but they will be repulsed by watered-down versions. If the church does not fill the increasing void in youth that demands a cause, they will turn to a power that will mobilize them for the most sinister reasons. I felt that my urgency to speak to this crowd was from the Lord. I felt inadequate, and did not know what I was going to say, but I knew that if I started speaking I would have their attention, and that I had a very real opportunity to win them over. We just need to start with what we have, with what we feel, and trust the Lord to give us the

words and the strategy as we begin to minister to the youth. If we neglect the youth now, we will pay a very terrible price later.

A WORD FROM STEVE THOMPSON:"The `seventies' are returning."

INTERPRETATION: Steve felt that this was directly related to evangelism; that the same kind of evangelism that was effective in that decade will be effective today. :

APPLICATION: The seventies was a decade in which multitudes of new believers were added to the church. In fact, we have not had such a great ingathering of souls in the U.S. since that time. If you observe the congregations in most churches, or the audiences of most Christian television ministries, there are very few below the age of 40. We desperately need an ingathering of new believers.

This is also an encouragement to study the effective evangelistic methods used during the seventies. Street evangelism, coffee houses, and friendship evangelism were effective then, and will be again. Our modern society compels people into isolation; there will be an expanding void in them for genuine relationships. Relational evangelism will become increasingly fruitful. Churches that emphasize interpersonal relationships will probably experience the greatest growth in the times ahead.

When the church becomes the community that she is called to be, the whole world will desire to be a part of her. The church is a family, and the closer we get to being the one that we are called to be, the more people will be drawn. However, we must understand that "family" has been a very negative experience for many people. Because of this, they will often be repelled at the thought of entering such a family relationship until they see that it is different. Presently, most churches are themselves "dysfunctional families." We cannot fulfill our calling until this changes, and it will as the spiritual fathers and mothers begin taking their proper places.

SPECIAL NOTE:In our own poll of believers, we have not yet found one person who came to the Lord because of a miracle they witnessed. Only a few have been found who came to the Lord through Christian television or an evangelistic crusade. Well over ninety percent came to the Lord through the simple, and usually "unprofessional," witness of a friend or relative. Studies made by other evangelistic ministries have come to the same basic conclusions. It is time we ask why we continue to pour ninety percent of our evangelistic efforts and resources into that which bears less than ten percent of the fruit. Is this mismanagement not a gross violation of the parable of the talents?

A PROPHECY PROM BILL COAN:Bill was shown that 96 is 69 inverted, and that things were going to happen this year that mirrored 1969, but will be from the Lord this time. INTERPRETATION (FROM BILL): We will be flower children again, but this time we will be associated with "the Rose of Sharon." Instead of protesting, we will be interceding. Instead of a war in Vietnam, there will be war in the heavenlies. Instead of drug-induced hallucinations, the Lord will be giving dreams and visions. Instead of nudity, there will be transparency.

APPLICATION: The Lord began showing some of us several years ago that the nineties were going to parallel the sixties in a number of ways (this has been covered in previous Bulletins), and that this time the Lord wants us to be ready for the trends, and to take advantage of them. Events such as the "Million Man March" are starting

to parallel the freedom marches of the sixties. Woodstock II was an attempt to recapture the feeling of the sixties, and a great deal of interest has returned to sixties and seventies music. All of these present opportunities for the gospel.

A PROPHECY PROM CHERELLE EDDLEMAN:Peace, liberty and wisdom are three words for 1996. `Freedom is wonderful when it is combined with God's holiness.

INTERPRETATION: There is hardly a greater liberty that we can know than to dwell in the peace of God. Paul said that it was "the God of peace" who would crush Satan under our feet (see Romans 16:20). When we abide in the peace of God we are set free from the yokes of the enemy.

APPLICATION: Again, looking at the main themes of the sixties and seventies, the buzz words were "peace" and "freedom," but it was the kind that the world gives. It is wisdom to seek to abide in the peace of God and the liberty of His Spirit in 1996. It is wisdom to use our freedom to pursue the holiness of God.

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:Psalm 67:5-7 is for our time.

Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him (KJV).

INTERPRETATION: Congregations that will come together with no other agenda except to worship the Lord will begin bringing in the harvest.

APPLICATION: The purpose of these meetings should be to worship the Lord, so we should not be disheartened if we do not see immediate fruit, but it will come if we keep our attention on worshipping the Lord. A great anointing is coming on "worship evangelism," but we must remember that when we worship for the sake of evangelism the quality of the worship itself is going to be affected. We must keep our attention on the Lord for our worship, and let the other fruit come as it will.

A PROPHECY FROM WILLIAM EDDLEMAN:There will be an establishing of unity in some areas where there has been division for a very long time. Racial, denominational, economic and geographic walls will begin to fall this year, and brothers will be able to pray together in true unity.

INTERPRETATION: Many of these walls have been falling, but this speaks of them falling to the point of those who were once divided being able to pray together in true unity. The Lord Himself promised that such prayers would be answered.

APPLICATION: We should reach out with even more devotion across racial, denominational, economic and geographic barriers, with prayer being both a means and a goal of the new relationships. :

A PROPHECY FROM BARBARA SASSO:1996 is going to be a year of harvested prayers. These will not just be recent prayers, but also the prayers that have been prayed for many, many years.

INTERPRETATION: This is simply encouragement that many of our prayers that we have had before the Lord for a long time will be answered this year.

APPLICATION: This is encouragement not to faint, but continue to seek the Lord for the fulfillment of our petitions. Even though God could do whatever He desires, and

He knows our needs even before we pray, He seldom moves except in response to the prayers of His people.

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:As in Luke 16:1, some will lose their place of ministry, or authority, due to accusation arising from lack of financial integrity.

APPLICATION: This is a two-fold warning. First, we must get our financial houses in order. Even the appearance of impropriety will be enough to sink some ministries. Second, the warning is that there will be "accusations" of a lack financial integrity, which does not mean that there is an actual lack of integrity. We must not believe every accusation, but understand that this is the enemy's primary strategy against the church, and we should first believe the best about a brother or sister, not the worst, always seeking discernment from the Spirit of Truth.

APPLICATION: Because "the love of money is the root of all evil," there are certain definite traps laid for all who handle money. The more money we handle the bigger these traps will be. Let us all "take heed when we think we stand, lest we fall." If we are walking uprightly we have nothing to fear. This does not guarantee that we will not be subject to false accusations, but if we have received our authority from the Lord, He is the only One who can take it from us. Anything that the enemy tries to do to discredit the righteous will ultimately work out for their good.

SPECIAL NOTE:We have been warned by the IRS that they have targeted ministries and churches for audits this year, so we should be prepared. They have made checklists available to help prepare for audits. This could also be the source of many of the accusations that are coming.

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:There is a tax rebellion coming that can cause major political changes. The church must not be deceived into participating in this rebellion.

INTERPRETATION: The American Revolution was basically a tax rebellion, but that does not justify every tax rebellion. There have also been many failed tax rebellions that resulted in catastrophic political changes. This is a warning that the church should not become involved in the one approaching.

APPLICATION: Romans 13:7 states plainly: "Render to all what is due them; tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."

A PROPHECY FROM STEVE THOMPSON:Nehemiah 8:14-9:3 is for the coming year. A great repentance is about to begin.

INTERPRETATION: Over the past couple of years God has been restoring joy to the church, just as we see in Nehemiah 8:10. This joy was needed so that we could go on to experience the repentance needed without perverting it. True repentance includes the joy of the Lord. We have sorrow for where we have fallen short, but this must be tempered with the joy of His salvation.

APPLICATION: Nehemiah is an important book for these times. It is the story of how the remnant that had returned Jerusalem to build the temple were distressed because the walls were broken down, leaving the people vulnerable to their enemies and wild beasts. Isaiah said,"You will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise" (Isaiah 60:18). The walls of salvation represent the application of salvation

to our personal lives. Many Christians, who have a zeal for building the house of the Lord, are still walking in defeat and unnecessary vulnerability to the enemy. God is today raising up a Nehemiah company who will rebuild the walls of salvation, leading each family of the household of faith to take their place and build their section of the wall. While this is happening, there will be a release of the joy of the Lord, followed by a deep repentance, just as we see in the rest of the book of Nehemiah.

Learning to discern the Lord's change of emphasis is crucial if we are to be a part of what He is presently doing in the earth. When the Lord entered Jerusalem there was great rejoicing, and the Lord Himself promoted it. But, right in the middle of the procession, He began to weep over the city. This must have been a shock to those who were a part of the celebration. One minute He was rejoicing with them, and the next He was weeping. It is possible that the crowd's inability to understand this change is one reason why these same people were crying for His crucifixion just five days later. It is possible to go from a place of being right in tune with what God is doing to being in direct opposition to Him, because we do not discern such changes in His emphasis or direction.

A PROPHECY FROM JACKIE RIPPY:Jackie received the word "evangelism" when praying for 1996. The Lord will restore the preaching of the gospel that combines the revealing of our desperate need for salvation from our sins with the knowledge that Jesus is that salvation.

INTERPRETATION: We need the constant reminder that the fields are always ripe for harvest. The simplicity of this word also implies that we do not need to get complicated in witnessing. The only thing that we need for evangelism is for the Holy Spirit to convict of sin, and to testify of Jesus.

APPLICATION: There has been a tragic misunderstanding among many Christians that a person will not come to the Lord unless they are in a certain state of desperation because of certain conditions in their lives. The only desperation that is needed for someone to come to the Lord is the desperation to be free from their sin.

A PROPHECY FROM WILLIAM EDDLEMAN:The spirit of anti-Christ will continue to draw black men to Islam, but will be exposed, and many will turn to Jesus for salvation.

INTERPRETATION: Though we can look for this trend to continue, we can also expect to see the roots of it exposed.

APPLICATION: The Lord called Moab His "washbowl" (Psalm 60:8). That is, He used Moab and the other nations around Israel to discipline her every time she fell into apostasy. The Lord is likewise using Islam to discipline the church. Islam is filling a vacuum that the church has left by not fulfilling her calling to our black brothers and sisters, or to the oppressed. The primary draw of Islam is to black men, because Islam offers to them a dignity and sense of destiny that the church has failed to give them. The whole church (all peoples together) should have risen up with the message of freedom for African Americans long before Martin Luther King, Jr. did. If the church was fulfilling her calling to the inner cities of America, there would have been no need for a "Million Man March," but there would be an army of many millions of black men, preaching the gospel with a resolution and fire that would help free the rest of the nation. If we do not respond to this call, they will very soon be carrying fire of another kind. The Lord will expose the roots of Islam, but first He is using Islam to expose the church.

A PROPHECY FROM BARBARA SASSO: 1996 is going to be a new year. This is not just like a `96 model of a `95 car, but a whole new kind of car.

INTERPRETATION: Our definition of new moves of God have often just been the same thing with a few changes added. This year it will be different. We will begin to see God do things that are totally new to us.

APPLICATION: Anytime something new comes, or something new happens, there is great excitement about it. Anything new brings a freshness, a hope. Even so, we do not want to just generate something new ourselves, but we do want to be open to what God is doing. We should be open for Him to show us things this year that are very different than we have known before, but we still have a responsibility to judge them by the Scriptures, just as the Bereans did.