Week 6, 2002

We continue our study of Ephesians and the purpose of the church with Chapter 1:15-17:

For this reason I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which exists among you,and your love for all the saints do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of
revelation in the knowledge of Him (NAS).

Faith and love are the two great pillars of Christian character. These began to grow in the Ephesians church to the point that it was being talked about abroad. Could this be said of your church? First, are we even doing anything noteworthy enough to be talked about? If so, would it be said that faith and love exists among us?

I once had a visitation from the Lord in which He only said one thing to me, "You are now known all over the earth for many things, but none of them are love." I was convicted. As Peter Lord used to say, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." I Timothy 1:5 states, "But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." If the Lord’s disciples are to be known by their love, I was missing the main thing.

How would the church be transformed if the entire body of Christ resolved to keep as the main goal, growth in faith and love? What would happen if all of our reports were mostly acts of faith and deeds of love? We probably would not be so concerned with how many people were coming to our meetings because we would always have too many.

Because of the news of the Ephesians’ faith and love, Paul was continually giving thanks for them in his prayers. This is truly the greatest joy that a true spiritual father could ever have in his spiritual children.

Also, because of their increase in the truly important matters, Paul prayed for them to receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation of the Lord. When wisdom and revelation of the Lord begins to flow in a church it is certainly destined for greatness, just as the Ephesians church was to become one of the truly extraordinary churches of the first century. However, our true greatness in the eternal chronicles of heaven will always be directly related to our faith and love. They are the foundation that true wisdom and true revelation must be built upon.

It is a worthy goal for us to desire for our churches to become so extraordinary that news of it is heard abroad. However, let us also be sure that we become known for the right reasons. It can all begin with you. Why not determine that your church is going to become famous for its faith and love? If just one person begins to grow in these it will be infectious. In what area of your life is the Lord dealing with you to grow in faith? Determine that you are going to believe and not doubt. Who are the most difficult people in your life to love? They are there for a reason. Do not waste your trials. These are opportunities to grow that are worth more than any treasure.