Week 35, 2003

This week we will continue the prophetic theme that we began last week concerning the way that major turning points have been reached, as well as some of the ways we are going to see Luke 17:20-21 fulfilled:

"The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say,

'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

There are major spiritual shifts coming, which will result in the reversal of the way things have been flowing for a long time. These shifts have already begun, but some may take quite a while before they can be seen as a reversal. Some involve nations, even whole continents and cultures. Just as an aircraft carrier cannot turn like a speedboat, but can take miles to turn around, some of the things that have begun to turn may hardly even seem to be turning for a time. Even so, they have begun to turn, and we will soon see a complete reversal in the direction in which they were going.

First, let me review a few things that have been included in previous prophetic writings from our ministry, or statements put out by some of our prophetic friends. We need to consider how these words were fulfilled to understand where we are now.

When Bob Jones first prophesied that the next President would be “a burning bush from Texas,” George W. Bush was not yet a candidate, and we really did not know to whom this referred. When George Bush announced his candidacy, James Robison told me that he was going to be the next President. I had already forgotten Bob’s “burning bush prophecy” and to be honest I was a little skeptical about Bush becoming the next President. Later, when looking over Bob’s prophecy, I became a believer. However, I confess to feeling that Bush was more of a politician than a man of principle like Alan Keyes and Gary Bauer who I would have personally preferred. However, I think my perception of George W. Bush was wrong.

Then there was another aspect of the “burning bush” that seemed improbable. In Bob’s prophecy it would be the church that elected George Bush as President. This was more literally fulfilled than I think any of us realized. It was not just because Christians voting made the difference in the election.

Bob Jones shared his “burning bush prophecy” in several black churches in the Panhandle of Florida just before the election. It persuaded them to vote for Bush instead of Al Gore. If you watched the election coverage that night, Gore was awarded the state of Florida at first because they forgot the Panhandle poles closed an hour later as they were in the Central Time Zone. Even when they caught this mistake, the Panhandle was expected to go for Gore, but to everyone’s surprise it didn’t. By just a handful of votes, the Panhandle counties were surprisingly carried by Bush. In fact, one count was that Bush carried the state by 341 votes. This was a number given to Bob many years ago to represent a coming unity between three major things (three “for” one or three becoming one).

Bob Jones jokingly claims that he was the one who got Bush elected, but I think this is literally true. The handful of black churches he went to and persuaded to vote for Bush instead of voting for Gore is likely what made the difference. I think we could also say that George Bush was elected by the black church because of this. Of course, neither will ever be credited for this in man’s history books, but I think on that great Judgment Day when God’s history books are opened, we are going to find out that this is really what happened.
So, what is my point? First, God really is the one who decides who is going to sit in authority. He also has ways of doing things that reveal His heart, so we should study them. As a part of this whole revelation about “the burning bush” and who would be the next President, we need to understand what the “the burning bush” part of this prophecy meant.
Some have interpreted this to be the way the Twin Towers went up in flames during his presidency, or as a symbol of the war that we are now in. However, I do not believe this has yet been fulfilled the way it was intended, and in fact it seems to have been going in the opposite direction. For Bush to fulfill this calling, there will have to be a major “turning” in the foreign policy of the United States. If this change does not come about, George W. Bush will not be reelected.

The “burning bush” in Scripture was a bush on which the fire burned but it was not consumed. Of course, there have been few Presidents in history that have been under as much fire as this one, and at least to date it has not consumed him. However, the main point of the burning bush in Scripture was not the natural phenomenon of it burning and not being consumed. It was that the Lord spoke through the burning bush to call His deliverer and set His people (Israel) free from their bondage.

Not only has this not happened yet, but the Bush Administration has formulated a foreign policy that has only increased Israel’s bondage. This policy not only has the potential to nullify any chance for Bush to be reelected, but it can actually lead to terrible consequences for our nation. You can trace the fall of the British Empire to their opposition to the purposes of God with Israel. Likewise, if there is not a turning, our foreign policy will continue to drift further and further from biblical prophecies concerning the purposes of God with Israel in the last days. These prophecies are both an irresistible force and immovable object. Those who go against them will not last long.

How has this happened? This is a “Haman spirit” in the U.S. State Department. Remember that Haman was the one who tried to orchestrate the destruction of Israel in the book of Esther. This same spirit that tried to use Haman has stopped trying to destroy Israel, and throughout history has used others such as Peter the Hermit, and Hitler. Just as the Lord raised up Esther to save Israel, as well as reveal Haman, who died on his own gallows that he had built for Mordecai the Jew, the Lord is raising up a “new order of Esther” to do the same.

As those who have followed our ministry have heard us say many times over the years, the same spirit that rose up in Nazi Germany came to the United States after World War II. This is because the United States not only has such a purpose with Israel in these times, but we have the largest population of Jews in the world. This spirit will not manifest itself as a Nazi again. It will be far more subtle. However, the primary places it is trying to gain control over is the U.S. State Department and the United Nations. However, those who are a part of a strategy to destroy Israel will ultimately fall into their own trap.

Let me add at this point that we are not warring against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers in high places (see Ephesians 6:12). The individuals who are being used in this way may not know or understand it, but they are promoting policies that will not only weaken Israel, but are actually putting her existence in jeopardy.

It will probably get to the point where it appears that this strategy will have worked before it is revealed in such a way that it will actually empower Israel to remove her enemies in many places.

The Lord is not going to let Israel be destroyed. As an abundance of Scriptures reveal, there are not only a host of prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled with the nation of Israel. There are many promises of God that He made to Israel, which are clearly made to the “natural seed” of Israel, the “Jew according to the flesh,” and not to the “spiritual seed” of Israel, which the Lord declared could not be changed without impugning both His Lordship and His integrity. Many of these have to do with the land that Israel was promised, which the United States has long been pressuring Israel to give up in exchange for peace.

Israel may in fact be pressured to give up more land, but this will never lead to peace; rather it will lead to a much more devastating conflict. God’s Word will be proven true in the end. Everyone who has stood in the way of it coming to pass has been removed. Regardless of how pious our President is, and sincere in trying to obey the Lord in other areas, he will not be reelected unless his policies toward Israel change.

I have had believers, not only in our own country but around the world ask me how our President could be a Christian and do what he is doing to Israel. First, nowhere does it say that one has to understand all of the prophecies concerning Israel or these times to be saved. I have personally gone from believing that our President was mostly a politician to believing that he is probably one of the most principled leaders that we have had in recent times. I am convinced that he is sincerely trying to live by the light that he has been given. For this reason the Lord is going to have mercy on him and our country, by showing him what presently and shamefully he is doing. I say “shamefully” because some of them are hypocritical to even the most simple observer, which he must somehow presently be blinded to because he really is a man of principle.

Like King Ahasuerus in the book of Esther, our President must not understand what some of his closest advisors are trying to do through him that threatens both Israel and Christians. This “Haman spirit” that has risen to such a place of influence in our government must soon be revealed, and I believe it will be done in such a way that it will be destroyed in the very “gallows” that it set up for the Jews.

There is a “new order of Esther” arising that will be used to expose the devil’s continuing plots to destroy the Jewish people, as well as Christians who have a common destiny at the end of this age. I will continue on this subject next week in The Word for the Week entitled, “Saving A Nation.”