Week 39, 2008

Last week we discussed the extraordinary anointing to mobilize that manifested so quickly on Governor Sarah Palin. Instantly it seemed that she went from being the obscure Governor of Alaska to one of the most interesting people in the world. The interest in her was not all favorable of course, but she immediately began to rally crowds larger than the other candidates, a very rare thing for a Vice Presidential nominee. She also overwhelmed the others in the news coverage as well. This week I want to look a little bit deeper into how this happened, and why, not from a political perspective, but rather to understand this anointing to mobilize others.

The moment I heard Governor Palin speak when she was being introduced as John McCain’s running mate I was impacted by her anointing for leadership. I felt strongly that I was listening to a President, and I do feel that she may be a future President. She had a notable focus and resolve, but it was more than that. It was not so much what she said, but her words had something behind them that gave them more power. This is an anointing. 

Last year, I was given a dream in which I was told that if we would honor the fathers, the Lord would release revival in America in six months. I was told that we had to do this because it was through dishonoring fathers that had one of the biggest gates of hell into the country. I was also told that we would then have to honor the mothers because it was by dishonoring mothers and motherhood that the gate of hell had been opened that released abortion into the nation. We determined that one way we could start to honor the fathers was to hold a conference on honoring the fathers. It had such remarkable favor on it that many thought it was the most important conference we had ever hosted. Immediately after it, the Lakeland Outpouring erupted. Immediately after that, we had an outbreak of the Holy Spirit in our K-12 school that swept through the whole ministry and continues to this day. Miracles and healings that we used to see or hear about once a year are now happening weekly, if not nightly.

Sarah Palin is a hero mother, and I think she is anointed to help recover the honor that motherhood is due. Could she sit in the most powerful office in the world while still raising a young family? Yes, I think she can, and she maybe also do it better because of her family. Without question, as the Vice President, her family will have more help than they would if she was not, but it is about more than that. There is something about being moored to the practical when you are in a high position of authority that grounds you with a perspective and wisdom that otherwise gets lost very easily. That is why I think the great Apostle Paul was required to make tents for a living while serving as maybe the greatest missionary of all time. This was not a waste of his time. That time kept him in touch with the practical and with people in a way that was essential for his calling. Certainly, sitting in one of the most powerful offices in the world will be demanding, but staying grounded can be a huge advantage.

Another advantage for having a family, while being in such a powerful and demanding job, is the energy and inspiration that comes from having a family, which is greater than any other resource. After our relationship to God, nothing inspires and energizes like the love of a family.  A family, with all of its problems, is not a distraction but fuel for the heart. We were made this way. That’s why the Lord said that it was not good for Adam to be alone, which is noteworthy because Adam had God at that time, indicating that God made Adam to also need family.

As the Lord indicated, some are created not to need this, but they are very rare. Basic to the highest levels of leadership is also a need to stay in touch with the practical, and nothing does this like families. Having the adoration of the greatest crowds cannot inspire and fuel our souls like a family can. A special anointing is on Governor Palin to display this crucial truth. I have known many very successful people, and without question, without exception, those who lost their families would have given up all of their achievements to get their family back. One of the most important things that makes us a higher form of life is having a higher form of family.

Of all the issues that are being discussed in this campaign, family is the most important. That is why the only commandment with a promise was to honor our fathers and mothers. The promise was that it would go well with us and that we would dwell long in the land that the Lord has given to us (see Deuteronomy 5:16). The favor of God that comes from this is more important than all of the other issues.