MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #10

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is from the New American Standard version of the Bible. 

And it shall be said, "Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstacle out of the way of My people" (Isaiah 57:14). 

This year the Lord is giving grace for vision and building. This grace for building will come with an outpouring of the gift of "a word of wisdom." Solomon wrote, "By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches" (Proverbs 24:3-4; emphasis added). Knowledge may fill the house but wisdom builds it. The Lord does not just want His people gathered together--He wants them built into a dwelling place for Himself. This can only be accomplished by the grace of His wisdom. 

All of the spiritual gifts are given for building, but the gift of a word of wisdom is especially essential at this time. For this reason the emphasis of the Spirit will be upon wisdom, and especially the gift of a word of wisdom. This gift is a manifestation of supernatural wisdom from the Holy Spirit which is injected into the strategic leadership of the church. This wisdom is beyond human genius or insight. It is a wisdom so great that no human or demonic agency can withstand or thwart it. 

Presently, the world's view of the church is more one of boredom and indifference than respect. This will change as we build with the wisdom of God. When God's wisdom begins to flow into the life of the church there will be such a radical change in her that the world will marvel. Just as the Queen of Sheba and others came from the ends of the earth to hear Solomon, world leaders will stream to the church to hear God's wisdom. Just as the reign of Solomon was the time of greatest prosperity for Israel, this wisdom will result in a time when the greatest resources will be pouring into the church. When the very foundations of the world are being shaken, the church will be building, because she will be walking in the wisdom that builds. 

The Greatest Wisdom 

Solomon was the wisest king to ever reign over Israel. Such wisdom was required to build the temple of the Lord. However, he also backslid after he finished the temple. It is wisdom to understand that wisdom is not enough. It is better to have a close relationship with the Lord than to have strategic wisdom. It is even better than that to have a close relationship with the Lord and wisdom. However, this combination is very rare. Often, those with great wisdom begin to so depend on their gift that they drift from intimacy with the Lord, just as Solomon did. 

Solomon remained true as long as he was building, but when his task was completed he drifted from the Lord. His relationship with the Lord was founded upon his project for the Lord, not a true relationship. When the task was completed there

was no relationship to keep him on the path of life. Many ministry leaders fall into this same tragic mistake. Even their own life is built more on what they are building rather than a relationship with Jesus. When this happens our ministry becomes our identity, and often our hope. When we begin to place our faith in the things of God, even the church, we are setting ourselves up for a tragic fall, just like Solomon suffered. Our faith must never be in the church of the Lord, but in the Lord of the church. The greatest wisdom is to always understand that the most important building that we can do is to build our personal relationship with the Lord. The Lord alone never fails, and He will never disappoint us. 

Being in the ministry can be the most difficult place to build a true and lasting relationship with the Lord. Here we can easily become performance-oriented, judging ourselves, and our relationship with Him, by a scorecard on which we keep our accomplishments. However, the Lord does not judge us by what we produce, but by our obedience to Him, by how well we are abiding in the Vine. Intimacy with the Lord must always be our primary goal if we are to have a true ministry that bears fruit that will remain. 

We are able to produce great results, and much fruit that appears spiritual, but fruit that does not possess true eternal qualities. Our society has learned to respond to good promotions. We can build a very large congregation or ministry through good marketing strategies, but, "unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it" (Psalm 127:1), regardless of how big it is. As the Lord Himself warned, we can do many great things in His name without Him even knowing us (see Matthew 7:21-23). Of course, He "knows" the hairs on our head, but the "knowing" He is talking about here is the "knowing" of an intimate relationship. 

We can build something that truly is His work, just as Solomon did, but still not have a relationship with Him. If this is the case with us, when our project is finished, we, too, will be in jeopardy of falling, and our work will go into apostasy. This is probably the main reason why so many significant church leaders fall near the end of their lives. Their devotion was to a church, or a project, rather than to the Person who must always be the primary focus of our devotion. 

Paul exhorted, "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?" (II Corinthians 13:5). When we are involved in building, whether it is a home church or a world-wide outreach, we should constantly give ourselves this test. The test was to see Jesus in us. Are we getting closer to Him? Is our labor resulting in Christ being formed, in us as well as the work? 

This is, of course, true in everything we do, but there is a special trap present when we are involved in building something for the Lord. This is especially true of men, who tend to place their identity in their jobs or careers. This is not to imply that we should not love and derive satisfaction from the building, but we must remain vigilant to keep our priorities right. As Peter Lord liked to say, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." 

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is

Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11). 

Christ [is] the power of God and the wisdom of God (I Corinthians 1:24b). 

The value that the Father puts on any spiritual work is determined by how much of His Son He sees in the work. Those who are truly doing apostolic work, who are laboring until Christ is formed, not just trying to bring forth a certain form, will soon be given such abundant resources for the task that it will seem as if the wealth of Solomon has come upon them. However, spiritual and material wealth can be a stumbling block to us, like it was to Solomon, if laboring until Christ is formed, in people, does not remain our focus. 

The First Test of Wisdom 

Just as the wisdom of Solomon was first tested by the life of an infant, the first test of true wisdom will usually concern our esteem for life. The true mother was willing to give up her child in order to see it live. The nature of true ministry will have a willingness to give up its own influence over what has been built, or brought forth, in order to see it live. We will only be able to do this if the essence of life is found in our relationship with the Lord, and not just our ministries. 

This test will come to many this year. Those who pass it will be given their "child" back never to have it taken from them again. Those who refuse to give up their control will have their ministries divided, or given to others. However, let us understand that these tests, and even the possible loss of our ministries, is for our sake. It is much better that this happen to us now, when there is still time to start again on the proper foundation, than at the end of our lives when it will be too late. 

Wisdom and Influence 

Some will soon be given the anointing of Joseph and Daniel to serve church and world leaders with a prophetic vision founded upon the gift of the word of wisdom. Those with this wisdom will so prevail over the world's sorcerers and worldly wise that many will turn to the true God of heaven and earth. In this age of such a dramatic increase of knowledge, godly wisdom will begin to stand out and prevail over it. Wisdom will be esteemed as more precious than knowledge. The truly wise will gain knowledge also, but will always esteem wisdom more. 

Those who have had the wisdom to patiently endure injustices and trials, as Joseph did without bitterness or resentment, will soon be exalted to higher levels of influence. Those who maintain the humility of Daniel, remaining always dependent on the Lord (which is true humility), will begin to shine like stars in the darkness. Just as stars are used to navigate, some of these will be used to direct the course of nations. 

Before the judgment comes, the Lord will give a witness through His church of the ways of His kingdom. Some nations will go the way of the kingdom. When the Lord returns it will be said of them, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:15b NKJV). Those who commit the sin of Belshazzar, who try to use

the vessels of the Lord for worshipping their own idols, will see the handwriting on the wall before their judgment comes, but it will surely come (see Daniel 5). 

Tares and Stumbling Blocks Removed 

As the Scripture first quoted from Isaiah 57:14 states, "Build up, build up . . . remove every obstacle out of the way of My people." When a person begins to build, he must first remove the stumps, rocks and other obstacles out of the way, and level the land. This year, many of the obstacles that have stood in the way of God- ordained building will be removed. 

The removing of these obstacles will include removing many who have become stumbling blocks, opposing the work that God has ordained. As He promised: 

The harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels [or messengers]. 

Therefore just as the tares are gath-ered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. 

The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness (Matthew 13:39-41). 

Tares look like wheat, but are false, and are noxious. It is difficult to distinguish between the tares and the wheat until they are both mature. We are coming to the time of the harvest when everything will be reaped that has been sown in man, both the good and the evil. This is the time when the tares will become obvious, and will be removed from the kingdom, along with the stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness. 

The Year the Army Arises 

Rarely is the Lord doing the same thing, at the same time, throughout His church. That is why the seven churches in Revelation all needed a different word, even though they all existed at the same time, in the same general region. Many congregations and ministries that have been building over the last few years are now ready to confront the powers of darkness on a new level. This does not mean that they will stop building, or growing in their relationships as a spiritual family, but many more congregations and movements will start mobilizing as a spiritual force this year. They will be led to use their authority and resources in direct confrontation with the gates of hell. There is a "divine resolve" that will begin to arise in the church to begin assaulting the powers of darkness that have been assaulting them, and to take over their spiritual domains. 

The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies (Isaiah 42:13). 

With the rising militancy in the church we will begin to see many, measurable victories against the Lord's enemies. There is a great call, or war cry, going out for

the church to mobilize for the battle. As with the building, the gift of a word of wisdom will be given to those who lead the church in her battles against darkness. This wisdom will be so evident that it will impart great confidence to the church as she begins to engage the enemy on new levels. 

And the LORD will cause His voice of authority to be heard (Isaiah 30:30). 

The voice of the Lord will go forth with greater authority this year, and it will be a voice of "authority." Important teachings on authority will come this year. A new, fresh, and biblical emphasis on the kingdom of God will begin to emerge. Other significant, fresh teachings on spiritual authority and church government will come, imparting a great stability to the work of the kingdom. The kingdom of God and church authority have been very controversial issues in the church over the last several decades, but in spite of many extreme teachings and overreactions, these are important issues that must be resolved if the church is to fulfill her last day ministry. 

The Year of the Double Portion 

Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, everlasting joy will be theirs (Isaiah 61:7). 

This will be the year of the "double"--double blessing and double trouble. Many of the faithful will be given twice the anointing, twice the vision, and twice the resources for accomplishing the vision. It is also the year that the great humiliations of the last few years will begin to bear good spiritual fruit from the corrections that they have brought about. The resulting humility has enabled the Lord to extend more of His grace (see James 4:6). 

This will also be a year of double trouble. Many churches will be assaulted on a level they have not previously experienced. This is not a sign of God's disfavor, but a sign of increased spiritual authority. As Paul explained to the Philippians: 

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; 

in no way alarmed by your opponents--which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and that too, from God (Philippians 1:27-28; emphasis added). 

The way that the Lord is going to remove many of the tares and stumbling blocks from His kingdom is by allowing them to be shown for what they are. Their rising opposition is a sign of salvation for you, and destruction for them. 

Other Spiritual Trends 

Another Catholic Renewal Movement 

Sparks will be struck for a second wave of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic church. This will build to the point where over ten million Catholics worldwide will be experiencing the baptism in the Holy Spirit each year. Many cathedrals will experience overflow crowds of worshippers. The home group movement will become especially effective and important during this outpouring. This will continue through the administrations of the next two popes. One of these popes will have a dark heart and become a stumbling block to this movement. Another pope will do much more than bless this movement-- like a modern Josiah, he will wage war against idolatry and false teachings in the church. 

The Baptists Empowered 

This year will see the first flames of a great revival coming to the Baptist church. Over a million Baptists are about to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, becoming a mighty army of salvation. The "golden age of missions" for the Baptists is still in the future. Multitudes of young men and women will respond to the call of missions. Just as Samson set foxes loose with torches tied to their tails, igniting the fields of the Philistines, this new wave of young Baptist missionaries will set many fields on fire for God. Thousands of these flaming evangelists will come out of the "True Love Waits" movement. 

A primary harvest field for Baptist missions will be the cities. Many churches that have moved to the suburbs will get a burden to return to the neighborhoods that they left to start missions or aid inner city congregations. This will be a very fruitful strategy as some of the missions will quickly grow larger than the sponsoring churches. This will bring such zeal for missions back to these churches that multitudes of young people will respond to the call of full-time ministry. Church planting will not only cause Baptist churches to multiply in numbers, but they will be used to spark great revivals in cities and towns across the Americas. 

The major cities that do not experience revival will experience such an increase of violence that some will be reduced to near anarchy before the end of the century. Even governments will start asking churches to come to the aid of cities. Some Baptist leaders will have such influence with governments that they will be considered the true source of authority in some cities, like Calvin was in Geneva. Likewise, because of this commission to the cities, suburban churches that do not respond to the call of God will wither in numbers and influence. 

When the Lord gives us authority we can affect the destiny of many others. When Adam sinned he dragged multiplied billions into sin and death. The Lord has given the Baptist church great authority over cities. Their obedience will result in millions of salvations. Likewise, their disobedience can result in a such a meltdown of order and peace in the cities that they will become like black holes through which millions will disappear in death. If you love the cities, pray for the Baptists. 

The Year of the Family 

The very first thing that God said was not good was for man to be alone (see

Genesis 2:18). It was for this reason that the Lord created the family. Loneliness is still one of the most powerful forces driving men to corruption and evil, seeking gratification where it cannot be found. Relationships on every level are being torn apart as the result of this, and loneliness is increasing in the world. God is again saying that this is not good, and He is going to showcase the Christian family as the alternative to the power of this loneliness. 

Godly families will soon begin to stand out as great beacons of hope and draw many unbelievers to the Lord. The phrase "family values" is about to become much more than a political adjective--it will become a powerful force to carry the wisdom of the gospel through some of the greatest barriers that have been raised up against it. This will be especially true of black families. True freedom will come to the black race, and through the black race. The Lord is removing the name "Treachery" from over this people and replacing it with "Faithfulness." The Lord will then raise up many black families with such grace and dignity that they will be viewed like the great noble houses of Europe, as they will be a noble people. 

There is an unexpected attack coming against the Christian family. Idealism and perfectionism in teaching about the family can cause considerable discouragement with those who are sincerely trying to raise up godly families and have godly marriages, but cannot measure up to the idealistic standards. Family and marriage are very important, which is why they are suffering such an assault, but they must not become idols with Christians. When we lift up the highest ideals to unbelievers, it is sometimes too much light, blinding those who are living in great darkness. Sometimes, overly enthusiastic idealism can be discouraging even to Christians who are trying to walk in the light, but begin to see the standards as unreachable. It often does not help the very weak to show them the top of the mountain they must climb; they just need to see the next few steps. 

Loneliness has also been increasing in the church. Modern cultural forces have compelled much of the church to become more like a corporation or social service. The living church of the future will become a family again. Churches that are built on a foundation of management and organizational principles will wither. Churches that are built on relationships, first with the Lord and then with each other, will multiply. This is not to negate the proper use of management and organizational principles, but when they become the foundation of our building they have been tragically misused. 

Children and Youth 

The Lord is now demanding that the children be allowed to come to Him. The congregations who wisely devote themselves to the spiritual growth and care of the children will be blessed and prospered with greater anointing and resources. Churches that do not properly provide for their children spiritually will begin to experience severe discipline from the Lord. 

As we esteem the ministry to children as the Lord does, our authority over abortion will increase proportionately. As the first test of Solomon's wisdom was to distinguish the one who cared for life from the one that was careless with life, we will not have spiritual authority over abortion if we are not properly esteeming and caring for our

living children. 

If we are growing more in our professions or careers than we are in our relationship with our children, we are putting ourselves in a most serious jeopardy. Paul warned us: "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever" (I Timothy 5:8). This relates to natural provision as well, but spiritual provision is even more important! Those who walk in true wisdom will watch over their families with far more diligence than they do their careers, and count their children as much greater riches than any amount of gold, silver, or earthly power. 

Some of the greatest leaders in church history will be raised up from the coming generation. Like Daniel's friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, these young leaders will not eat the food offered to the idols of their generation, or bow down and worship them. They will also be confronted and tested by the conjurers, the sorcerers and wise men of this age, but will be found to have ten times more wisdom than all of them. The Lord Himself will walk with them in the midst of the fire and they will not tee burned. They will stand as a witness and turn many to the worship of the only God of heaven and earth, and cause some of the world's most powerful leaders to worship Him. As with Daniel, every attack against them will only result in greater authority and esteem for them in the sight of others. 

The Elderly 

There is a movement coming upon the elderly that will result in a major advance and empowering for the entire church. As Joel prophesied, and as Peter quoted on the Day of Pentecost, in the last days, "YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS" (Acts 2:17). These are not dreams in the night--these are dreams such as those a young man would have for his coming life. This is one of the great demonstrations of faith--to hope for the future when the body is failing. This was the faith of Abraham, who did not even begin to fulfill his purpose until he was physically considered too old. This is the faith of those who are the true friends of God, who do not consider their own weaknesses, but who live by the strength of God. 

The elderly will provide some of the greatest resources for children's ministries. As the Lord declared in His very last prophetic statement in the Old Testament: 

Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. 

And he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse (Malachi 4:5-6). 

One of the Lord's highest agendas for the last day ministry is to eliminate the misunderstanding between generations. The Lord loves the old and the young, and the truly wise will draw strength from each. Those who care for and esteem the elderly as they do the children will be doing the Lord's work and will reap great rewards. The Lord will provide for those who provide for the young and the old.

The Men's Movement 

The emerging men's movement in America has been a fresh stream of new life. It has already done much for the renewal of the church, and has strengthened families against the devastating satanic assaults of the last few decades. As can be expected, it will also come under an increasingly vicious assault from the enemy. However, this movement is helping men to become real men--that is, godly, spiritual, men. They will fight like men and will not only stand, but will take more ground from the enemy with every attack that comes against them. However, this movement is not meant to be "God's answer to the feminist movement." It is not even called to combat the Jezebel spirit, though it will have many confrontations with it. Even so, it will do much to combat the "Ahab spirit." The best way to get rid of the "Jezebels" is to get rid of the "Ahabs." 

If this movement remains true to its calling, it will be given authority to impact areas of society that other spiritual movements have been unable to penetrate, such as giving birth to some of the most effective strategies for the inner-city and racial problems in the world. This authority will come as it continues to take ground in one of the greatest areas of "racial" conflict--between male and female. 

The Women's Movement 

After some years of pruning, many Christian women's groups are about to grow very fast, in numbers as well as anointing. Much of this numerical growth will come through evangelism as the Lord turns thousands of small women's fellowships into powerful evangelistic forces. Others will become mighty in intercession and spiritual warfare, helping to spark great revivals and spiritual advances. 

It will also be Christian women who will be the light that does much to open Islam to the gospel. Both Muslim men and women will be moved by the power and grace of these women. This power will be found in the dignity and beauty found in true, godly submission, which is rooted in love, not fear. Everything that churches invest in these women's fellowships will produce dividends. Women's ministries in the church will become one of our richest spiritual resources. 

It will be the women's movements in the church through which God's most effective strategies against abortion will arise. That these will be led by women will in itself give them more credibility than previous pro-life movements. They will be led by women of such dignity and wisdom that even their most vehement enemies will show them deference, and they will win many converts from other feminist movements. Through these movements both womanhood and motherhood will be raised to the level of honor and respect that they deserve. However, it is a snare of the enemy for these to be diverted and used for political purposes. Those who gravitate toward political power will lose their spiritual power proportionately. 

When both men and women take their rightful place in the family, and in the church, the church will take her rightful place in the world. These movements will do much to raise the church to i her ultimate stature and beauty, which our glorious Savior deserves from His bride. 

The Joy of the Lord 

Signs are for the purpose of giving us directions, which is a main purpose for the sign of this great "holy laughter" movement. One reason why the Lord is pouring out this anointing of joy is found in Deuteronomy 28:47-48: "Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things; therefore you shall serve your enemies [or go into bondage]." The failure to maintain the joy of the Lord is one of the primary reasons that Christians go into bondage, falling to the yokes of either legalism or license. This seemingly foolish, "holy laughter" movement is helping to deliver important segments of the church from the bondage of legalism. 

This joy movement is a great sign from the Lord. We have come to the time of the ultimate conflict between light and darkness. We are: already in the age of Psalm 2, when nations go into an uproar because the leaders of the earth try to sever their ties to the Lord. As that happens, "He who sits in the heavens laughs" (verse 4). As He has "raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:6), we too will laugh. 

One of the disconcerting aspects of this movement has been the animal sounds and mimics that some have felt compelled to make. There are "signs and wonders," and almost everyone is wondering about this sign. Some of it is demonic. Some of it is mere human foolishness. Some of it is really inspired by the Holy Spirit. There will always be tares in the wheat, but this is something that the Holy Spirit is doing, and it is important. 

As John Amos Comenius paraphrased the apostle Paul, "Nature is God's second book." The December 1994 issue of National Geographic carried an insightful article titled "Animals at Play." The author of this article had been commissioned by Texas Governor John Connally to do a psychological study on mass murderers after the tragic murder of sixteen people on a Texas campus. The one common denominator that this author found in the character of mass murderers was that "they never learned to play." As children, each of his case studies would always remain aloof during recess, and later in life showed an inability to simply have fun. He then developed this theme as he studied how animals used play to develop all of the skills they needed to survive. The conclusion was essentially that learning to play is necessary for the healthy development, and possibly the survival, of almost every creature. 

If we studied the "spiritual mass murderers," who spread slander and seek to spiritually assassinate other Christians, it would almost certainly be found that they are so bound by the religious spirit that they cannot stand any form of religious levity. The Lord is trying to get His people to simply "lighten up." It is a serious delusion for us to take ourselves, or our work, too seriously, because that is usually an indication that we are still moving in our own human energy. The Lord really does sit in the heavens and laugh, and when we are truly seated with Him, seeing from His perspective, we too will begin to laugh at many of the things that we are so uptight about now.

David danced with all of his might before the Lord. He was not dancing in the power of the Spirit, but he was dancing because of the Holy Spirit. Much of the bizarre activity that is going on in some meetings today is really not the Holy Spirit, but it is a reaction to being touched by the Holy Spirit. There is no deep prophetic meaning to most of this, no more than I have found deep prophetic meaning to the times when I play with my kids on the floor. They have some crazy reactions when I tickle them, or chase them. The only reason I do it is because I love to hear them laugh and have a good time. The reactions they have are not me, but they are the result of my simply having fun with them. I don't want them leaving a play session trying to figure out a deeper meaning of why I did what I did, or why they did what they did. The whole meaning was for us to enjoy each other. Some of the Hebrew words for "joy" imply a wild, exuberant expression. That's how David reacted to the coming of the Ark to Jerusalem. Michal was barren the rest of her life because she wrongly judged that joy. Many will become spiritually barren today for wrongly judging this movement. We must not be quick to condemn what we do not understand. 

Everything that the Holy Spirit does is important. However, this joy movement is especially timely as we prepare to confront the enemies of Psalm 2. There are many who are faking the manifestations, or trying to pressure others to enter in who have not yet been touched. This will ultimately do damage to the movement, and feed critics. However, critics can only stop us if we let them, but not walking in truth will cause the Spirit of Truth to depart. When the Holy Spirit departs, if we do not recognize it and repent in order to bring Him back, but rather go on with the "form," or manifestations, evil spirits will fill the void left by the Holy Spirit. 

The church is not built upon manifestations. Those who try to build upon these manifestations will have built on a foundation that will not last. We must have the wisdom to build only on the Lord Jesus, Who is the only foundation that will remain. Movements enter the church as tributary streams that keep the River of Life flowing. Even so, we must not be distracted from the River of Life by following a mere tributary. We must let tributaries have their positive effect, but not let them dictate our course. 

There is "a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance" (Ecclesiastes 3:4). It takes wisdom to know the difference. If the Lord is giving us a time to laugh, we will be out of His will to be weeping. Likewise, when it is time to weep we will be out of His will if we are still laughing. Much weeping is yet to come, as the spirit of intercession sweeps the church. Some of the joy will be turned into mourning. Immediately after Jesus received the great, exuberant praises of those who were receiving Him into Jerusalem, He wept over Jerusalem. Our goal must be to sit with Him and do as He does because we are of one heart with Him. 

Cell Groups 

The cell group movement is a crucial strategy for preparing the church for the harvest. It will help to restore the church to her proper identity of being a family and building people, identifying and equipping ministries. 

D. L. Moody was possibly the greatest evangelist since Wesley or Whitfield. His ministry resulted directly in the conversion of hundreds of thousands, and indirectly

in many more. However, he was a sincere Christian for many years before he ever did anything for the Lord. He explained that he did not know that he could do anything for the Lord because nobody ever asked him to. There are many "D. L. Moodys" who are today sitting unnoticed and unused in our midst, along with true apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers who will one day shake the world. Modest home group meetings are where many of these great ministries will be born and released. This will cause many of these little home groups to be credited with such spiritual fruit that many mega-churches will envy them on the day of judgment. 

Prophetic Restoration 

A new wave of ministries is being released with extraordinary prophetic gifts. Others with revelatory gifts who were sidetracked are about to get back on the fast track. This movement will soon capture the attention, and the esteem, of almost the entire church. These ministries will be used to release the church into her place as a true prophetic voice to the nations. 

The Lord promised that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh (Acts 2:17). The entire advancing church, including all who have partaken of the true waters of salvation, will be baptized and empowered by the Holy Spirit. When this happens, as He promised, "YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY, AND YOUR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS, AND YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS" (Acts 2:17)

Prophecy and prophetic revelation such as visions and dreams are one of the great signs of the end times, and they will dramatically increase as we come to the end of this age. However, these are coming because we will so desperately need them. One of the most important things that every believer should be doing now is seeking to know the Lord's voice.

Prophetic Insights on 1995 

from Steve Thompson 

Steve is a member of the MorningStar Ministry Team. These insights were received independently and shared at a MorningStar School of the Spirit meeting. 

This will be a year of building and planting 

I was given Jeremiah 31:28 for this: "'And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them to build, and to plant,' saith the LORD,, (KJV; emphasis added).

The focus of the Lord in recent years has been on restoring the church to her proper foundations. This has required Him to destroy and tear down much of what we had previously built on. This year the Lord will begin again to build and to plant. Many new congregations and ministries will be established this year. Others will begin growing at a rate that was not thought possible a couple of years ago. 

This will be a year of unprecedented opportunity. 

Psalm 95:8, 10 reads: "Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, `It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways"' (KJV). 

The church stands at the threshold of entering a new realm of God's power and presence. The power of God will be available to the church in 1995 to an extent that has not been seen in 40 years, since the heyday of the Healing Revival. That movement failed because there was error in the heart of it, and in general the ways of God were not pursued--only the ways of His power. This year the door is again being opened to step into a realm of supernatural power that has seldom been witnessed since that time, but to avoid the failings of that movement, we must learn God's ways in addition to His power. It always requires those with the spirit of Jacob to enter into a realm of God's power. Only those who desire the blessing of God above all else, who are willing to risk all, even to the point of wrestling with God for it, will receive it. However, we must not cease wrestling with Him when we receive the power, but we must continue wrestling until our very nature is changed as was Jacob's. If our nature is not changed we will soon be corrupted by the power that God releases in us, bringing both our own destruction and further reproach on the name of the Lord. 

This will be a year of great increase numerically for the diligent. 

"And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved" (Acts 2:47 KJV). As a sign of the Lord's emphasis on increase, this year many leaders will struggle to keep weight off as never before. For many, unless changes are made to promote a more active lifestyle, it will be impossible to maintain their current weight.

Just as with our physical bodies, we do not want the increase in the church to become fat, but rather, added muscle. If we are not actively training and incorporating into ministry those the Lord adds, the coming increase will eventually make the church less effective and more lethargic. God is holding leaders responsible to deploy into ministry those He adds to the church. 

This will be a year of love. 

"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment" (Philippians 1:9). The Lord is requiring a greater love from His saints this year. Additionally, He is providing a greater door for intimacy with Him than ever before. There will begin to be a demarcation this year between Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. Those enamored with human wisdom will grow more cynical than ever, while those seeking the Bridegroom will find Him in greater intimacy. This is a special warning to those in ministry. 

This is the year that God will turn disciples into apostles. 

In 1995, God will begin to release into ministry many who have faithfully followed Him. Those who have followed Him will now be sent by Him. Those who have seen His works, will now do His works. Those who have learned to follow His leading, will now be leading many into new fields of harvest. We must learn to follow those the Lord is anointing regardless of their natural abilities or lack thereof. The only valid credentials for ministry are those recorded in Acts 4:13. The main qualification for ministry is that we have been with Jesus. 

If we do not learn Ephesians 3:19, we will not fulfill Acts 3:19, then we will get Hebrews 3:19. 

If we do not receive and come into a greater awareness of God's love in order to be filled with His fullness (Ephesians 3:19), then we will not turn to Him so that times of refreshing may come from His presence (face) (Acts 3:19). Then we will duplicate the error of Israel in the wilderness--they could not enter (into the promised land) because of unbelief (Hebrews 3:19). Unbelief (lack of faith) comes because we do not know the love of God for us. 

Prophetic Insights on 1995

 from Mike Chaille 

Mike is a member of the MorningStar Ministry Team. These insights were received independently and shared at a MorningStar School of the Spirit meeting. 

As believers, we will have to learn to work with "new and different" people in the church and have a greater tolerance for both immaturity and minor doctrinal differences. We must not allow our pride to prevent us from working with others, or having an attitude that we can do things better than the "new and different" people with whom we are called to work. 

We will need to be able to "interface" with people of many different languages. We must identify, train and use "translators" of these different languages. Many of us are

called to be "translators" and don't realize it. 

There will be times of "power surges." We will not be able to handle the power of God without "burnout" unless we get rewired with heavy gauge, 220 volt wiring, which means we must live out Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (NKJV). 1995 will be a year of double portions of God's anointing and our 110 wiring will not be enough, which represents Galatians 1:10: "For am I now seeking the favor of men?" 

We must reduce the extra verbiage in our message and make it clear and to the point. In our society of "instant everything" the world will need to hear a gospel of fewer words. However, we must carry out the "great commission" as stated in all four gospels, and not just one of them. More of us are called to "do the work of an evangelist," and we must both learn and train others to present the gospel properly. 

God is going to turn the hearts of many prodigals back to their parents, and we must be ready to receive them in their "hung-over" condition and without condemnation. Those who do not receive them with open arms and true forgiveness may lose them again. We must have "love without hypocrisy" (see Romans 12:9). 

God will be calling many of us into new "vehicles" of ministry. We must learn to hear His voice above others who would offer a "vehicle" of ministry which would create "Ishmaels" rather than waiting on the promise of God. We must learn to say "No!" when God is not in that which we are being asked to do. 

The Lord gave me a song for 1995: "Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married." I believe the Lord is saying we need to be just as concerned that we are properly adorned, being "without spot and blemish," as we are concerned that our lamps are full of oil. We need to have more of an attitude of "looking forward" to the day of the Lord's return for His bride.