Week 4, 2008

The army of God that is mobilizing will carry the most powerful weapon ever carried—the power of God. There is no bomb that has ever been made, even all of the bombs made put together, which have the power contained in a single believer who has the Spirit of God living in them. However, we only see occasional tiny glimpses of this power being demonstrated by believers.This will change as Christians are trained and equipped so that they can be trusted with this power.

The most basic training in the use of God’s power is to understand the most basic principle of His supernatural power. This is stated in I Corinthians 1:18:

“For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

So, “the word of the cross . . . is the power of God.” This is the Word that the army of God is going to get to know, carry, and preach from the heart because it is in their hearts—from this the river of living waters will flow. Remember, this army does not come to destroy, but to give life. It does not come to conquer, but to set free.

Is this not how the Lord Jesus walked in power? He taught the truth that would set men free, and then He delivered them from what was oppressing them and healed their bodies from what was afflicting them.

As we have also discussed before, God’s love is the foundation of authority. It was when Jesus felt compassion for the sheep without a shepherd that He became their Shepherd. When He felt compassion for those who walked in darkness, He became their Teacher. I know when I have been given authority in a certain place or country, I begin feeling God’s compassion for that place or people.

This is also why we are commanded to love our enemies. If we will love them, we will be able to help heal them and set them free, leading them to salvation, the greatest victory of all over our enemies!

Now let’s look briefly at how this might apply practically. If you feel compassion in your heart for a people group, a nation, or even something more general such as music that seems unnatural or supernatural, (which means there is no natural explanation for it), it probably is at least a hint about your calling.

Now let’s take something as general as a supernatural love for music. This is more than just loving to listen to it or even play it, but a deep care for its purity and health. Maybe you are called to help bring healing to music, to give it direction and purpose that would keep it more pure. But how could you practically do this?

Basically, there can be a proclamation of truth, a prophetic word, which has the power of God behind it that so captures people’s attention and their hearts, that music will then be used the way that it was intended when God created it. This music that is more pure would also need to be backed up with a demonstration, which would have such power that all perversion of music would then look crude and perverted in comparison.

In the MorningStar School of Ministry, we have watched as an increasing number of remarkable musicians come each year. Many have already gone on to write some of the greatest worship music being used today and are recognized as extraordinary worship leaders. This is the foundation of a force that I know will change music in the times to come. Some of them are bonding together into powerful teams that I think will have apostolic authority. All are learning from each other. You don’t have to be around here long to see the “critical mass” forming that will release a spiritual atomic explosion.

I also see the same thing happening here with those who have prophetic gifts. As these gifts combine, which they are, the power will be even greater. Why is this happening at MorningStar? It began with us going to the cross—sacrifice. For years, both immature prophetic ministries and some of the musicians cost us a lot. We had to love both of these through some very trying times, but we never had any doubt that it would be worth it, and we didn’t care even if we would see the reward as long as the Lord did. This is about Him, not us. 

Also, let me be clear about one thing—the prophetic people and gifts, and the musicians, have always brought more glory and benefit than what it cost us in trials, by far. I also know that we were probably more of a trial to them than they were to us. Even so, just one moment of the glory and anointing of God that we have experienced would have been well worth it all. We have had years of things happening that were so great that I would not trade it for what was experienced in the Book of Acts. I am being sincere. So don’t feel sorry for us for the price that we paid—we always received much more in return, even though at times it was hard.

My point is, part of our training to walk in what we are called to do is going to be found in the wilderness that is located between the place where we receive the promise of God and the Promised Land itself, or the fulfillment of what we have been promised. I think every year our School of Ministry is getting better, but it has been through a dozen years of development and trials for it to become what it is now, and we are just beginning to see what we foresaw it to be. The same is true of the prophetic ministry in our midst and the music. We have seen great glory and miracles, just like Israel did in the wilderness, and while the wilderness has been a wonderful, awesome experience, it has also been hard. However, now we are starting to eat some of the fruit of the land.

Things are moving along faster now in some ways. Even so, it is still true that anything that happens too fast or too easily is usually insignificant. If we develop faster spiritually, it will probably require much more intense training or trials. A great mobilization is taking place, but it will always take “faith and patience” to inherit the promises (see Hebrews 6:12). Those who do not have either of these will be weeded out. Those who have faith and patience will gain more of each through training so that they can be trusted with the unprecedented power that is being released in our times.