2002 Special Bulletin #8

On July 22, 2002 I wrote in Special Bulletin #19:

“The present stock market slide is not the beginning of a cataclysmic collapse in
the U.S. economy. Stocks may drop lower for a time, but the Dow will find a
consistent floor above 7,000, and the Nasdaq is close to its bottom in this present
slide as well. This will be close to an actual value of American business, which in
the long term is more healthy for both the economy and the markets.”

This has proven to be true as the Dow Jones bottomed out above 7,000 and has now clawed its way almost a thousand points higher. What’s next?

The American economy is entering a period of relative health and stability. This does not mean it will not shake occasionally, because even when it is the most healthy, it is still very shaky. Everything that man builds in this age will still be unstable. Even so, we are entering a period of grace we should take advantage of. Whenever there is a time of plenty the wise will use it to store up for the times that are lean. How do we do this?

First, use every bit of extra that you are entrusted with to reduce your debt, not increase your spending. Also, build liquid reserves. There is a time coming when some commercial real estate assets such as shopping malls and hotels will be bought for as little as 10 percent of their present value. At the same time, some companies such as airlines that are now in bankruptcy will in the near future be worth more than ten times what they are now according to their stock prices. They will emerge from bankruptcy “lean and mean,” much more flexible and adaptable to the changing conditions of the world economy. The Lord is going to give some of His people the wisdom to not only to take advantage of changing conditions, but to emerge as leaders in the midst of them.

Church leaders must also begin to understand how business is the bridge that the Lord is going to use to take the gospel into many nations that have previously been closed to the gospel. The devil knows this strategy, which is why those he can control, such as terrorists, are so focused on destroying the economy of the West. However, the devil’s strategy to use terrorism to attack economic interests and civilians will backfire. It will actually cause nations to work together and form alliances that they would not have otherwise made. The Lord will use these alliances, especially the ones based on trade, to open doors for the gospel to be carried across into places that have not been previously reached. For this reason, the church must develop a strategy for equipping business leaders as missionaries. The time is coming when businessmen and women will be some of the most powerful missionaries on earth.

We must also keep in mind that the great shaking that came to the Stock Markets last summer and drove them to their “floors” was to a great extent caused by corporate scandals and deception. Now the strength and longevity of the market will to a large degree be built upon integrity and straightforward honesty. Churches, businesses, and governments that are built on deception will continue to be exposed and shaken. No church, corporation, or government, will be immune to this shaking, regardless of how big and strong it seems to be outwardly.

The devil has a plan for the economy of the world, but so does God. We will not be able to accurately understand the times by focusing only on the devil and his plans, but rather our main focus should always be on what God is doing. It is not the anti-Christ that should have our attention, but Christ. The Lord has a plan for business which is imperative for us to understand and be prepared for.

“For we know in part and prophesy in part” (I Corinthians 13:9).

Therefore, if we are going to have the complete picture we must learn to put together the different parts that are given to different parts of the body of Christ. Although what I will be sharing in future Special Bulletins will form an increasingly clear and specific picture, we must always keep in mind that it is still only “part” of the whole picture. Even so, it is crucial for the church to understand how the Lord intends to use business, and what we can do to help equip and support business-leader-missionaries.