Week 19, 2013

         This week we will continue to examine the Lord’s Word in Matthew 13:52:

          “Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.”

          I have been a Christian for more than forty years, and I have been blessed to have some level of fellowship with those from virtually every camp, movement, and denomination. I love the diversity of the body of Christ and appreciate all of the different “tribes” we have in it. It is an entity like no other on earth in its diversity, scope, and power to shape the world. It is that great while operating on probably less than 10 percent of its potential. That it is accomplishing so much while using so little of its potential means that it has the greatest upside potential of any other entity on the planet by far, which includes governments, institutions, cultures, or other religions.

          The body of Christ has many issues and problems now, but we have the sure word of prophecy that she will come into her fullness before the end of this age. Anyone can see her weaknesses, errors, and even heresies that have crept into some parts. The same three things that have sidetracked and often destroyed many potentially great movements are still operating within much of the body today. I have known many who have fallen into those traps, have gotten out, corrected their course, learned the lessons, and kept on going. They are much stronger because of the experience. How many others could be spared from making the same mistakes if the stories of those who made them could be told, as they are in Scripture, without them being condemned for making mistakes?

          The time has come when each new generation does not have to make the same mistakes as the past ones. Scribes are a key to this. Scribes were not only the ones who wrote the decrees for the governing authorities, but they documented history. The proverb has been proven that “those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” This can stop now, but we must have the wisdom to understand the importance of knowing history. The result will be a better understanding of our own times and being better prepared for the future.

          The purpose of The MorningStar Journal is to distribute through articles and videos the important messages for our times. In each edition, we try to give a balanced spiritual meal, but also a broadening and deepening perspective from the Scriptures, history, and prophecy. I was shown these as a “cord of three strands” that cannot be easily broken. These three can be seen intertwined throughout the Scriptures and especially in the writings of the prophets. The writers of Scripture often refer to earlier Scripture and then to history as a basis for their prophecies. These three are also found in the lives and writings of the great saints of history and in the high-impact saints of our own times.

          As Jesus said in the Scripture quoted above, the scribes that are disciples of the kingdom of heaven will bring forth from their treasures things both new and old. There is not only a place for both in discipleship, but there is a requirement for both.

           We have more sources at our disposal today than ever before in history. Anyone can also communicate virtually around the world instantly. Because these are easier does not mean that the real treasures of wisdom and knowledge are any cheaper. Because of the ease with which information flows to us, many are becoming more shallow rather than deeper. We will need stronger foundations and more light than ever before to make it through the unfolding times. These are available for those who will take advantage of them, but the heart that seeks is still required.