MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #66

America has been in what seems to be a perpetual state of crises. Challenges to our very foundations have been relentless. Even so, a great pushback is coming, and America will not only survive as a republic but will emerge as a much stronger and greater republic. Our foundations will not only be restored but strengthened. The battle over our identity and destiny will result in a much clearer identity and path ahead. The battles will not be over, and even bigger battles will be ahead because our most important purpose is yet in the future. These battles will be easier to fight when these most basic issues are settled. Like it or not, want it or not, America is called to fight for that which is worth fighting for, and the whole world will benefit from it.

Proverbs 4:18 declares: “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn which shines brighter and brighter until the full day.” If we are on the right path, every day should be brighter and the path clearer until we are walking in the fullness of the light—the “full day.” This is normal Christianity, so if we are not experiencing this, it is because we have somehow departed from the right path. The remedy is to return where we detoured off the right path and get back on it, which is biblically called “repentance.”

This is true for us as individuals, and it is true for us as a nation. We are told in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin  is a disgrace to any people.” A nation that is on the path of the righteous, or doing what is right in the sight of God, will also be experiencing increasing light, vision, and purpose. America has enjoyed this for much of our history because we were doing many basic things righteously in the sight of God, so He fulfilled His Word and exalted the nation. When God exalts a nation or a person, it is not for worship or adoration, but for purpose. The humiliation, darkness, and confusion comes when we depart from this path. The remedy is national repentance, and as stated, we need to get back on the right path.

A trend in the purchase of books in America reflects that this is happening. Books on our early history, the Founding Fathers, and documents like the Constitution and The Bill of Rights have multiplied lately. This is evidence that there is a greater yearning than ever for understanding our foundations, as well as our national destiny or purpose. This is another sign that a “Great Awakening” is beginning in America. Even though we may be in the midst of a great crisis now, there is evidence that America is not going to lay down and go away, but rather rise and stand.

Getting Stronger

Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out that even biology teaches us that perpetual well-being is not good for any living thing. It is the challenges