Week 41, 2013

         In 1988 Paul Cain said, “Communism is going to become commu-wasim.” This was the first prophetic indication I heard that there was about to be a collapse of the Iron Curtain and freedom from the stranglehold that Marxism had on almost half of humanity at that time. Paul also said that the remnants of Marxism would merge with radical Islam and become the most dangerous threat the world had ever known. This has now come to pass. Connections between the remnants of the Soviet Union and radical Islam are becoming an increasingly dangerous threat to the world.

          However, this joining of the remnants of the Soviet Empire with radical Islam is more than just the former Soviet countries like Russia joining with radical Islamic states like Iran. There is a union of some of the ideologies of Marxism and radical Islam that we need to understand. As much as there would seem to be a natural enmity between Marxism and any religion, these two have found a lot of common ground, especially factors that allow for ultimate control of people.

          Not understanding Marxism or radical Islam is one of the primary ways that our own U.S. Government has become a dupe and a partner with what is described in Isaiah 60 as the “deep darkness” that will come upon the people in these times. Understanding this can help us better prepare for the times, as well as help prepare the way for the coming of the Lord and the ultimate demise of all evil.

          Jesus said that the harvest at the end of this age will be the greatest ingathering of souls to the kingdom of all time. However, it is also the time when all seeds mature, both good and evil. Marxism is an ultimate form of humanism by mankind’s dedication to it being the ultimate authority, rejecting any submission to God. Even though it may have looked like Marxism was defeated when the Iron Curtain fell in 1989, and Communism has been thoroughly discredited by history as unworkable and untenable, it does not go away for one reason alone—it is a spiritual power. It must be defeated spiritually.   

          The counter to the darkness and evil that is growing in the world is the gospel of the kingdom. As humanism is basically man’s ultimate rebellion against God, the coming kingdom of God is, obviously, its greatest threat. Mankind’s attempt to run this world without God is the root of all the trouble that has ever been on the earth, and it will consummate in the ultimate troubles at the end of this age. It will also result in mankind, and all of creation, learning for all time the futility of rebellion against God, and finally in mankind turning back to God.

          The kingdom is God’s domain—where His authority is recognized. His kingdom is going to come, and the Lord’s will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us never forget this, especially as we look at some of the ways that we must confront an ultimate darkness in our time, beginning with Marxism.

          Next week, we will begin a brief study of Marxism. With just a basic understanding, we can see how its tentacles have found their way into virtually all of society, ultimately attempting to strangle the image of God in which we were made. We will also see why Marxism inevitably results in such a release of death and destruction, but how the kingdom of God brings life and liberty. We will see how the nations will ultimately turn to this light as we are promised in such places as Isaiah 60:1-5