Week 30, 2012

     As we are presently discussing, the nations that pursue God’s righteousness will be blessed, and they will lend and not borrow. Those who have to borrow are enslaved, as we read in Proverbs 22:7: the borrower becomes the lender's slave.” If we are Christians, we will certainly believe the Word of God over any politician’s, and what is happening in America now with our deficit spending is that the whole nation is being enslaved.

     A basic factor in understanding what is happening in America begins with the understanding that the government does not produce anything marketable to bring income. It is not a factor in producing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) but rather consumes them. The private sector produces the resources for the people, as well as the taxes to sustain the government. When the government takes more of the resources, there will be less leftover for the people. That’s basic economics, and from this we can understand what is happening in the economy that will lead to our bondage or freedom.

     The United States is now close to having 50 percent of all its citizens deriving their income from government on some level. For this reason, we are now at the place where the producers have to produce enough for themselves and their families and another family that works for the government. When the Health Care Bill is implemented, each producer will have to produce enough for themselves and almost two others who are working for the government.

     Right now American health care is a major product that much of the world comes to receive and provides the best in the world for its citizens. As a government agency, this great product of America, which is now one-sixth of the entire economy, will go from being an income producer to another entitlement program requiring massive tax increases to sustain. Everyone who has read the bill and understands basic management agrees that rationing will follow quickly. This will end up with government bureaucrats ultimately determining who gets health care, when, and therefore in many cases, who can live and who dies.

     The spiritual issue is that when government becomes our main source of sustenance, instead of God, then increasing control by the government must come. This is a scenario that is painted quite clearly in biblical prophecy, and we need to understand what is happening and why, to really understand the times.

      I started saying in the early 1990s that the European Union could not be sustained. I did not have a prophecy on this—I just did the math. It was not a workable system. As I was often speaking in Germany at the time, in almost every message I tried to warn Germany not to be manipulated into paying a guilt offering for World War II and be forced into a union where German economic strength would have to sustain the rest of Europe. This warning was a prophecy, and it did reach the leaders of that time. They did not listen. Now they’re in quicksand, desperately trying to get out.

      I was shown in the late 1980s that Germany had a special purpose to help bring healing and restoration to all of the nations where it had been used to bring destruction in the World Wars—that the European Union was a counterfeit to what God wanted to do and that it would not last. Germany can fulfill its higher purpose. The spiritual awakening of Germany is a key to saving all of Europe from many crises it is now facing.

      Germany and Israel have a common destiny. Both of these peoples have great gifts of resilience and restoration. Germany was one of the most devastated nations in history after World War II, but within just a few years it was again a modern nation with one of the most powerful economies in the world.

       Likewise, no nation has ever been scattered from its land before and remained a separate, distinct people group like the Jewish people have. The “sign of the fig tree” is the sign of Israel being re-gathered to their land and becoming a nation again. This is a restoration like the world has never seen before. One of the reasons why the devil tried to use the German nation to destroy Israel was because of their common destiny in preparing the way for the Lord and His kingdom. There are no other two people groups on earth with their incredible gifts for resourcefulness in resilience and restoration. The purpose of the coming kingdom is to restore the earth, and these two great nations will help prepare the way for this.

       Another point we need to see is that the devil is trying to make all of the nations into the opposite of what God has called them to be. Many nations are now the opposite of what they are called to be. As we see in Ezekiel 37, if we see with prophetic vision, we will not just see people as they are, but what they are called to be. Then we need to seek the Lord for words of life to prophesy until they become who they are called to be.

        The Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations, not just individuals. The church is called to see and prophesy the destiny of nations. We must start seeing, and we must start prophesying.