Week 50, 2008

The last two weeks we began addressing two of the three major fronts that the church must confront in the great issues of our times. The third is revolutionary and will begin a revolution. However, this revolution is not a rebellion against our earthly governments or any other earthly authority, but against “the prince of this world,” the devil. We must always keep in mind Ephesians 6:12:  

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Because this next front, which needs to be addressed, can be controversial and revolutionary, there is another major factor that we need to consider. The election of Barack Obama was a significant spiritual victory in one major way—it was a victory against one of the most evil strongholds that dominates much of mankind—racism. We should rejoice and be proud of our nation for electing our first African-American President. This is a huge victory over our racist history and has done much to heal the wounds caused by it. It has also become a hope for much of the world and has caused the stature of the United States to rise dramatically around the world. It is difficult to emphasize how much of a victory this is and how it can positively impact our future. For this reason, we need to understand it and be vigilant so the devil does not steal this great victory.

Racism is one of the ultimate evil strongholds of the human heart. This is because it is rooted in two of the ultimate evils of the heart—pride and fear. We are racist if we think we are better than others because of the color of our skin, which is pride. We can also become racist if we fear those who are different from us. Therefore, one of the biggest weapons against racism is having a basic understanding of how the Lord declares that He will resist the prideful and give His grace to the humble (see James 4:6). This alone should make us utterly devoted to seeking humility. The second weapon must combat the fear factor that makes people racist because they fear those who are different. We know that “perfect love casts out fear(see I John 4:18), so we should promote the love for diversity that God created. We also need to impart such vision and purpose to people that they become secure enough in who they are and not fear those who are different.

When these two most powerful and evil strongholds of fear and pride combine into racism, it becomes a basic “gate of hell” through which the spirit of death is released. This is why we are told in Romans11:15 that when the ultimate racial barrier is overcome, the one between Jew and Gentile, it will also mean the overcoming of death by the resurrection of the dead.

Consider how much death has been brought in the last century by racism. By some estimates, the worst conflict in history, World War II, which was rooted in some of the most diabolical racist ideologies, resulted directly in 100 million deaths. Recently, there has been Rwanda, the Balkans, and other conflicts where this enemy keeps surfacing and death came like a flood.

When I was first shown the link between racism and the spirit of death nearly two decades ago, I have not ceased to study it. I have spent many days in Germany with one of foremost authorities on Nazi Germany, seeking to understand how such evil could take over one of the most cultured and brilliant people on the planet. I was compelled to do this when myself and a number of prophetic friends were all shown that the same spiritual principalities that had taken Germany were seeking to do the same in the United States. In fact, what happened in Germany and World War II had been just “a dress rehearsal” for what the devil now wants to do.

When the Lord began to teach me about the stronghold of racism, I was shown that it was not just a principality but “a world ruler.” It is one of the ultimate evils. The election of Barack Obama did strike a major blow against this ultimate evil, but we can count on this evil striking back and trying to turn this great victory over racism into a victory for racism. Therefore, even more than praying for his success as President, we need to pray for his safety.

As we see in the Book of Revelation, when Satan is cast out of heaven or a high place where he has had dominion, he comes to the earth with great wrath (see Revelation 12:12). With this great blow against racism, we can expect racism to hit back in every way that it can, through every open door that is given to it. Possibly the most terrible scenario would be the assassination of Barack Obama. Many Christians and trustworthy prophetic people have been having dreams, visions, or words about this. It does not matter where we are politically—this would be a tragedy like has not been visited upon our country since Pearl Harbor, and its ultimate result could be much worse.

We have also had reports of people having dreams in which they saw great chaos in the streets of America, worse than ever before. I have felt that these warning dreams about an attack on Barack Obama and the riots are related; one person described them to be like the Rodney King riots, only a thousand times worse. This could be one of the worst tragedies in history for the U.S. Just as the assassination of Duke Ferdinand released the terrible tragedy of World War I, the terrible impact of an attack on Barack Obama cannot be underestimated in its power to release death. It would turn back all that was accomplished to drive back racism, even taking much more ground by this most terrible evil. So what do we do?

#1) WE MUST PRAY FOR BARACK OBAMA’S SAFTEY. We must never drop this prayer shield for a moment. It does not matter what our politics are; it is in everyone’s interest for him to be protected from any attack.

#2) IF YOU EVER HEAR OF ANYONE WHO MENTIONS DOING OBAMA HARM, GO TO THE AUTHORITIES IMMEDIATELY. Not only could you save Barack Obama, but multitudes of others would pay a most terrible price if anything happens to him. This is without question the right thing to do.

We can be sure the devil is going to try to use anyone who is open to him, especially racists who are some of the most open to the devil. This includes blacks, whites, and any others. Even if what you have heard is just some foolishness on the part of people who could never carry out such a thing, let the authorities decide that. The Lord may have allowed you to hear what you did so that action could be taken—so do the right thing without question and without delay.


If you email us a dream, vision, or other prophetic experience, please leave out everything but the actual revelation. Please include contact information in case we need more information on who you are, how you received it, etc. Send these to: PropheticOSS@aol.com