MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #46

On February 5, 2005, I dreamed that I was in the house with an invalid, crippled woman. She rose up out of her bed and began to walk. Immediately she wanted to go outside. I checked and it was a beautiful day, and all who were in the room knew that it was right for her to go outside immediately. There was great joy in this, and we knew that it would be a very big event. The dream ended as we were about to open the door for her.


I knew even when I was dreaming that this was the church in America. From the sex and money scandals of the late 1980s through the more recent Catholic Church sex scandals, the church in America has been in a sick bed, invalid and crippled for nearly two decades now. She is about to arise and depart from the place where she has been secluded. There will be a “coming out” into the open that is right, and it will bring great joy. In the dream I had a strong sense that this is now— we are there and it is right.


We can expect great movements to help bring the church out into the open and mainstream life of America again. She will come out with greater humility, as well she should, but she will come out. There are already a number of groundswell movements arising in the church to challenge and throw off the multitude of ways which have kept the church bound and secluded. We can expect these movements to grow and be successful. Nothing can keep the church from coming out. This will actually bring great joy to the nation.


One common characteristic of every champion in any sport is that they will be strong in the fundamentals of their game. The New England Patriots, the recent Super Bowl Champions, have been a nearly unstoppable machine because they do the basics so well. They seldom run trick plays because they do not have to. Vejay Singh eclipsed Tiger Woods as the number one golfer in the world last year, and by almost everyone’s admission he did it because of his relentless devotion to practicing the fundamentals of golf.

Regardless of the profession, without a strong foundation and devotion to keep the fundamentals strong, advancement is limited. The same is true of Christians. The greatest and strongest Christians are those who are well-established in the fundamentals, and who continue to review and strengthen the fundamentals of the faith regardless of how far they have advanced in knowledge, experience, or accomplishments. It is a lack of devotion to the fundamentals of the faith that is the root of almost every failure and the reason why so many Christians continue to fall into the traps of the devil or doctrines of demons.

The feasts of Israel were given to that nation for the purpose of strengthening her knowledge of the Lord and her faith in Him each year. They were prophetic events which were intended to help prepare for their coming Messiah. By going up to Jerusalem three times a year to celebrate each of these, it also helped the individual tribes to maintain a common vision as a nation. We are going to be celebrating these feasts each year for the same reasons.