Week 39, 2011

     The earthquakes and volcanic eruptions I have seen coming to our West Coast are coming as the judgment of God. Why would they come to our West Coast when there are many other places that may seem as wicked, or even more so, than our West Coast? We have covered some of this when we addressed what the Lord said about the cities of Israel that would have it harder in the judgment than even Sodom because of the level of light that was rejected. To whom more is given more is required. However, there is another factor we have not discussed yet. This has to do with spiritual authority.

      When a person with high level spiritual authority turns to evil, they are not just sent a little demon to keep them in their fallen state; they are sent demonic forces equal to their calling and authority. This is why some very powerful preachers who fall end up being some of the worst deceivers and start cults or promulgate terribly destructive false doctrines. With more authority comes more responsibility, and therefore the more damage that can be caused by a fall. It was for this reason that when Adam fell, the whole earth fell because it was under his authority. Again, there can be no authority without responsibility, so if we want a lot of authority we can have great opportunity for either good or evil. 

     Cities can also have callings such as Jerusalem, Tyre, Sidon, and others mentioned in Scripture. The same is true with nations, which is why the Great Commission is to disciple nations. Nations with such a calling have what I call a spiritual amplifier. Messages that are preached there, songs that are written there, and even aspects of art and culture that have begun there simply get distributed in a much greater way, and can have a more powerful impact. We may think this is just because of the good advertising that goes forth from those places, but it is actually that advertising is more effective from those places because of the anointing on the place rather than the genius of the advertising. 

     We might think that it is because there are more people in places like LA or New York, but actually more people are there because of the anointing or calling on the city. Nashville also has one of these spiritual amplifiers and is much smaller. There was a time when Wittenberg, Germany, not much more than a village, impacted the whole world with truth without even having the Internet. Geneva did the same from a little chapel that only held about three hundred people. 

     This principle deserves far more than what we can devote to it here, but there are cities and nations with purposes that magnify what is done or said in them. If it turns to evil, it can likewise be magnified. This is why a PG movie coming out of Hollywood can have a more powerful spirit of seduction on it than an R rated movie coming from somewhere else. 

     Hollywood does have a calling to be a spiritual megaphone to the nations for imparting vision, teaching about life, truth, integrity, and morality that builds people, families, and nations. These are the foundation for a lasting and prosperous society. Hollywood has fallen from its purpose. Something good may occasionally come from Hollywood, but it is now being used to do great evil, exporting moral and spiritual pollution that is destroying people, families, and even eroding the strength of nations. Even so, God still loves Hollywood, and even the most perverted person there, but He will not allow this to go on much longer. There are also other parts of California that cannot be allowed to go on spreading their perversion and lawlessness. They are going to be removed if they do not repent very quickly.

     I have been asked repeatedly how this could be true if God is still sending people there to help change Hollywood. I expect the Lord to do this until the end because He is that gracious and He would much rather show mercy than bring judgment. Even so, there is a time when judgment is inevitable. There is a time when destruction becomes inevitable, and we are approaching that time.

     Repentance can change things, just as we see clearly in the story of Jonah and Nineveh. Until it has happened, we do not know how much mercy the Lord will have. A great tragedy is the way Christian leaders have distorted the view of God’s judgment that they let those who might otherwise be repenting off the hook. So these who are now facing a terrible destruction go on feeling good about themselves and what they’re doing so that they do not repent and the destruction that might have been avoided is not. 

     When I was in the military, there was a terrible consequence for sleeping on watch. This is because to do so jeopardized the whole ship and maybe even the fleet. In a war zone, sleeping on watch could bring the death penalty because of its consequences. As the Lord warned, we should not fear what men think of us or try to do to us, but we must fear the Lord before whose judgment seat we will all stand. 

      Does this put the responsibility for this destruction on Christians? On the Judgment Day every watchman who did not sound the alarm will be held accountable. Every shepherd who did not protect God’s people will be held accountable. Every Christian who failed to be the salt and light that they were called to be in their communities will be held accountable. Like it or not, that is sound biblical truth. I may look like the biggest fool now, but I would rather look like that now than then. I even would much rather see those awakened who are called to be the salt and light in these times and for them to become what they are called to be so that repentance would come and none of these things would have to happen. That may still leave me looking foolish, but I’d gladly pay that price, because I know I will get my reward when it counts the most.

     I am sharing these in regard to the West Coast, but there are other regions of the U.S. that are in just as much jeopardy. God is calling us as a nation to repent and return to Him and fulfill our purpose in the important times. We must have a national revival, another Great Awakening. These can be on our West Coast.