Week 32, 2011

     I am taking one of my recent and controversial prophecies about the impending catastrophe on the U.S. West Coast as an example of interpreting and communicating prophetic experiences. Obviously, I have a dual purpose for this. The first is for sharing principles, but I also hope that these prophecies will be heard and that intercession and repentance will greatly reduce what is pending.

     Please keep in mind that I do not claim to be doing everything perfectly or even right. I often second-guess myself and think that I am conveying such things poorly, and I truly may be. Therefore, I could be a good example of what not to do. Even so, I don’t think controversy necessarily means you’re doing something wrong; it can mean you’re doing something right. I do not think you can accomplish much in this world in any field without controversy. Controversy could be the best free advertising you could have. However, I never try to be controversial—it just comes with the job.

     We see in part and prophesy in part, so we do not have all of the answers. That’s always a sure thing. Since I put out the prophecies about earthquakes being eminent on our West Coast, and maybe even more eminent along the New Madrid fault line, I have been swamped with dreams, visions, and prophecies others seem to be having, or have had, about the same things. I’ve seen much more on this than I have shared. I pray that I don’t have to share the rest because repentance has come, God has heard, and He at least will reduce what is impending.

    Though I confess that I did not have high expectations about the church leaders of the region handling this well, I had hoped that they would. My expectations have been realized more than my hope. However, what I did not expect, which has been very encouraging, was that many secular leaders and high-impact people took them seriously and seemed to sincerely repent and appeal to God.

     In the things that I have seen about what is coming, they are not so much what the Lord is doing to the West Coast, but that He actually has been restraining natural forces there for over half a century, only allowing them to shift occasionally as warnings—warnings which many have not heard. There are angels who have been holding together the faults, but they are about to be released. When they are released, the forces that have been building up there will be released. So the question about, “Is God doing this to us?” is a hard one to answer. At the very least He is indeed allowing it.

     For the forty years that I have been a Christian, I have met seemingly countless people who felt called to Hollywood to have an impact on it. Some have believed that Hollywood is actually called to promote the gospel worldwide. I believe this is a true calling, but you have to “make your calling and election sure” (see II Peter 1:10) or you have to respond to the call with the focus and preparation that it takes to fulfill it. I don’t think that after forty years of people being sent to Hollywood that it has changed for the better— rather it is shocking how much worse it has become. I have also watched Hollywood change the people who were supposedly sent to it much more than they have changed Hollywood.

     Even so, I do believe there is a legitimate calling on Hollywood, and these people who have all thought they were called there very well may have been. However, right now I am just encouraged when some can go there and remain a Christian, much less remain a prophetic voice. I confess that for a long time my heart dropped when I saw good people going there with that intent; yet, I have tried my best not to become jaded or give up hope. I think that until it is removed from the earth, there is still hope, and I pray that any messengers, and any Christians, who have been sent there will wake up, throw off any compromise that has hindered their purpose, and help bring the kind of repentance that alone can save Hollywood.  

     What is pending is the worst disaster in U.S. history, and one of the worst in world history. This can still be reduced by prayer, intercession, and repentance. There will be places like Goshen where God’s people will be completely protected. He has some great works there for the sake of the harvest and ministry that will also come with these events.

     Some people will be called to move there to be a part of this. I have no doubt about that, and for years I have felt our ministry was to have a base there. Regardless of what happens, it will be a great harvest when it does; but to date, I think a terrible tragedy, and one that is unnecessary, is pending.

     I will be clear and more open about all that I have seen in the coming days, because I feel that we do not have too much time left. Even so, I still do not have a timing on them, or know anyone that I trust who does. Many statements are being misinterpreted, and some are claiming to know the timing, but I think there is still time to appeal to the Lord with sincere repentance until it happens. The only glimmer of hope that I have seen is that maybe this is beginning for those who are not in the church. Go figure.