Week 46, 2012

          Jesus Christ is the answer to every human problem. Every problem on earth is basically the result of man thinking that we can run our lives and this world without God. The answer to every problem is found by returning to Him. It is that simple.       

          Jesus does not just have the answer for us—He is the answer. He is the path of life, and He is the true desire of every human heart. We were created to have fellowship with Him. We will never be fulfilled or have peace until our lives are knit together with Him in such a bond that we abide in Him and He in us. Therefore, if anything would make this week successful, it would be by getting closer to Him, knowing Him better, and following Him more closely.

          How do we do this when we have to work and take care of all of our other obligations? It won’t happen unless we do what He said in order for us to be His disciples—take up our crosses daily to follow Him. The cross represents sacrifice, and we may have to sacrifice a little sleep to get up earlier, or sacrifice some television, or other things, but we can all find some time to pray, study, or go to a service to worship and learn about Him. We will quickly find that the peace and fulfillment this leads to in our lives is far more valuable than anything we gave up for it.

          One thing that could bring radical and positive change to many people’s lives is to remove the clutter from it. How much stuff do we have that we really do not need or use that requires cleaning, maintenance, or other attention and most importantly, time? Do we own our stuff or does it own us? Each single thing may not require much extra time, but added together they can consume us. Therefore, just simplifying our lives and removing the needless clutter from it can be one of the most positive things we can do. If we are true disciples, our lives are not our own but His, and we must not allow it to be stolen by our stuff.

          Abiding in Him also requires that we learn to do all that we do with Him. We can have as much fellowship with Him at the office as we do in church. He created man to walk with Him daily, and that is what He wants to do with each of us. That is the main thing we can do today which will help make our life a successful life. Remember: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” This is the main reason we are here. Do not let it be eclipsed by anything else.