2001 Special Bulletin #11

As we have addressed previously, the real battle we are fighting is against fear. The evil one wants to control the world through fear. We must therefore decide that we are going to grow in faith and the peace of God, and that we will not allow our actions to be determined by fear.

 We must also keep in mind that "... our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12). This war goes beyond the terrorists. In fact, we see many other ways in which the enemy has started an assault of fear such as the coverage of the shark attacks this past summer.

There were no more shark attacks last summer than usual, but their coverage was blown way out of proportion. I have talked to many people who love the beaches but have vowed never to swim in the ocean again because of these attacks. Someone estimated that several thousand people are killed in car accidents driving to the beach for every one who are killed by sharks, yet I have not heard a single person say that they were afraid to drive to the beach.

To date one person in the U.S. has died from anthrax. If we suffer a massive attack of anthrax from terrorists, in even a worst case scenario, we will likely have more deaths from flu this winter than from anthrax. If we are wise, we will take more precautions for the flu than we will for anthrax.

Why did the terrorists attack the media or other highly visible targets with their anthrax? Because they knew they would get more coverage that way. Their goal is to spread fear. Right now the news media is falling for the trap, and newscasters are spreading more fear by sensationalizing the attacks than the terrorists are able to do through the attacks themselves. Certainly this is not their intention, but there is a need for much greater restraint and wisdom on the part of the media in their coverage of these events. It is unlikely that they will do this voluntarily because the sensational is what sells news and drives the ratings up. However, we must come to recognize that the war is not just against terrorists, but terror-fear. To win we must stop perpetuating fear.

The devil prophesied through Osama ben Ladin that the U.S. would "fear from North to South and East to West." That is the devil's strategy, and we need to determine that we are going to do what Ephesians 6:13 says,

Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

We want to take on the "full armor of God," not man. This does not mean that we do not use wise precautions, just as we would for any disease, but we must determine to resist fear, and to do this by putting on the armor of God that counters fear. We must learn to use the "shield of faith" to quench the fiery darts of the enemy, which in this case are thoughts that are intended to make us live in fear.

If the devil has determined that everyone in the U.S. is going to live in fear, we need to determine that we are going to grow in faith, and impart faith everywhere we go. We need to pray for the Lord to raise up His people in every city, town, and village in America with great faith and courage, imparting it with great boldness to all Americans.

The devil has prophesied that fear will cover America, but the Lord has another word for us. A great awakening is coming to America and faith will cover the land from North to South, East to West. Every attack of the enemy will only result in more unity, with Americans arising to become even more bold and courageous than they ever have before.