Week 18, 2010

I was asked to spend an hour with one of the Presidential candidates in the last election. I agreed with this candidate on most matters, especially social issues, and I was very glad in some ways that these were the main reasons why he was running for President. I would have loved to have seen him win, but I had been shown that the main issue in the election was going to be the economy, not the social issues that were so important to him. I spent the entire hour trying to convince him of this. I also put him on the trail of understanding some basic telltale signs about the economy, the looming sub-prime crisis, and alerted him to find out why the Federal Reserve Bank had quit printing the M-1 money supply report, which it had always done weekly. I could tell this candidate was either not interested or did not even know what I was talking about.

     I greatly appreciate the zeal of so many Christians concerning the crucial social issues of our times, such as the right to life and family values, but if the economy collapses the way that it has a potential of doing, these will not be the main issues—simple survival in the midst of unimaginable chaos and anarchy will be the main issues.

     I don’t know if this candidate would be President now if he had heeded my warning about the economy becoming the main issue of the campaign. However, after the economic crisis unfolded, the economy was the biggest issue in the election by far, and it is the main reason why President Obama was elected, even though I don’t think the Obama Administration really understands the economy either, at least not the U.S economy. If they did, they would not continue to propose and implement policies and make statements that are severely damaging to the recovery prospects of the economy.

     Many of my friends believe that the Obama Administration is purposely seeking to gut the economic strength of America, and at the very least, bring us down from the pedestal of being the world’s only true superpower, making us just another equal nation among the nations. Some actually believe there is intent to implement a Marxist economy and control over America. I admit that there is a lot of evidence to indicate this, but I personally am not at the place where I think there is intentional destruction of America’s strength. I definitely believe that this is being done whether intentional or not, but for the sake of being as gracious as we can, let’s assume that it is just being done out of ignorance.

     This is not to say that I do not believe that President Obama has Marxist influences in his life and in his Administration. They are abundant. I studied Marxism in depth, and many of the basic policies and strategies being followed by the Obama Administration are truly Marxist, whether they know it or not themselves. People can be taught many things and not know the real source, even though many in the Obama Administration, especially a high number of his appointed czars, clearly do know the source of their philosophy as being Marxism.

     President Obama could also be a Marxist but believe he is doing the best thing for America. I don’t think this is true, but he might believe it and could be doing what he thinks is the best thing ultimately. However, it is the wrong thing. As Vladimir Putin chided him in their meeting for not understanding the clear message of history—Marxism does not work. Marxism has never worked and never will. It is economic foolishness. It has only served to impoverish every nation where it has been implemented. This is a major case of Einstein’s definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

     As we have said, if you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed. If we do not change our direction soon, the U.S. economy will implode. It is unnecessary and would not have to end in such a disaster, but it will. The remedies that the present Administration have been implementing to try and correct it could be compared to using leeches to bleed a patient to get the bad blood out. In a weakened state, bleeding is foolish and will kill the patient. The U.S. economy is a very sick patient right now, and so is the world economy. With but a few exceptions, the world economy is in at least as bad a shape as America is in.

     Many Christian scholars and Bible teachers believe that a worldwide economic collapse will precede the antichrist who will come with the seeming answers to the great problems of the times. If that is so, and this is destiny, how do we get ready? If it is not so, and we allow it to happen because we did nothing, we have failed in our purpose in a most basic way to be the light and salt we are called to be.

     Even if it is destiny for a worldwide economic collapse, which seems more likely almost every day now, we have an obligation to be engaged and to seek to counter the enemy in every way we can. In Daniel 11:31 where it speaks of “the abomination of desolation” being set up, the very next verse says, “but the people who know their God will display strength and take action” (see Daniel 11:32). Those who really know the Lord will always be people of action and will display strength even in the darkest of times. That is your destiny.