Week 42, 2002

This week we will look at Ephesians 4:20-24:

But you did not learn Christ in this way,

if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit,

and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind,

and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.

Those who “learn Christ” will be lovers of truth, righteousness, and holiness just as He is. Yet, studies show that there has been a veritable meltdown of morality and integrity in the church over the last three decades. In general, the church has actually been going in the opposite direction of these Scriptures with Christians becoming more conformed to the image of the world, or even the devil, than Christ. Few shepherds seem to be doing anything about it, and many of those who claim to be watchmen spend more time attacking other Christians than sounding the alarm.

Western Christianity may now be in its most grave crisis. Not only has there been a meltdown of morality and the devotion to being conformed to the image of Christ, but Christians should also be the most free and creative people on earth. No one should be more creative than those who know the Creator and are being changed into His image. Yet, why does the church tend to be so boringly uniform and devoid of creativity? Many of the popular trends in the church are just weak copies of trends in the world, only a couple of decades behind and poorly done. Why? This also reflects a void of the life of the Creator in our midst.

This great tragedy of Christianity is primarily a result of the religious spirit dominating much of the church to substitute religious performance for true “righteousness and holiness of the truth.” The religious spirit is empowered by the fear of man, which compels us to seek the approval and acceptance of other men in place of growing in a true relationship with our God. In this way it becomes a substitute for the way we are to be “renewed in the spirit of our mind.” To be renewed means to think new—to think differently. You can’t do that if you are overly concerned about what others think of you.

We must beware of the fact that the anti-Christ spirit is seeking to dominate the world at the end of the age, and is primarily a substitute for Christ. It actually takes its seat in the temple of God, which is the church, proclaiming itself to be Christ, or the anointing. There is a false anointing we must discern that is taking its seat in the church. It is the spirit of the world and is devoted to worldliness in place of true holiness.

True holiness results in our beholding the glory of the Lord and thereby being changed into His image from glory to glory. It is a renewing process in which we gradually begin to see and think radically different. True holiness is based on our relationship to God, not just trying to figure out and comply with the rules written in the Book. The New Testament was not intended to be another Law. There are commandments that we must obey and there are guidelines that will keep us on course, but these are given to set us free to be who God created us to be. This freedom is not an opportunity for the flesh, but so that we can, in freedom, choose righteousness and holiness because that is who we are.

To grow in the true holiness of God releases the true nobility and glory of God’s highest creation on the earth—man. There is a “beauty of holiness” which exudes such dignity and grace that when any one beholds it, they will be surprised that it is the very nature they too were created to have. True holiness is not based on religious performance, but on beholding the dignity and glory of that which is so far above earthly, carnal thinking and behavior that everything else pales in comparison.

True holiness is a strong foundation that will also give us the confidence to be truly creative, not trying to be different for the purpose getting the attention of other people. Creativity for the purpose of gaining attention will always be shallow. The creativity that comes from knowing the Creator will have the signature of heaven on it.

Before the end of this age the Lord will have a bride that is pure and without spot or wrinkle. She will not attain this because of fear, or out of religious performance, but because of such a burning love for her Lord that she is consumed with doing all things to please Him. This bride is being prepared now, right at the time when the deepest darkness is starting to cover the earth. It is because of this darkness that her light will shine even brighter, and all of creation will for all time declare that those who persevered to be a part of the glorious church that will emerge and stand against the greatest darkness, are worthy to rule with Him. You are called to be a part of this bride. Do you have anything better to do?