Week 47, 2014

         I am still processing all that came out in our recent Harvest Summit.  At the same time, I have been shown things about our upcoming New Year's Convocation, which I don’t think has ever happened this early before. 2015 may well be the most remarkable year in our history, and we must be prepared for what is unfolding. I am getting a lot about what is going to happen, but even more about how to be prepared.

         Even though I am vision-oriented, I don’t think I have ever had this much excitement about the future. Much of this deep sense of encouragement comes from what I saw at the Harvest Summit. I think we are beyond seeing the signs of a coming great awakening and are starting to see the first stages of the awakening.

         Now if you are looking for those signs, or the awakening, in our government or from our government, you will probably miss them. Neither the awakening nor the leadership of the future will come out of our governments. There is a higher Source, and there is a higher government. Almost every poll now shows how trust in the White House has eroded, but that is the wrong place for us to be putting our trust anyway. The real trust of the nations will not be the White House, but the Lord’s house.

        All governments that are not in harmony with the emerging government of God will be collapsing under the weight of their own arrogance and presumptions, just as we see in Daniel 2. That is for sure, and there will be no exceptions. Only those governments, or government leaders, with the humility to call upon the Lord and seek to do what is right in His sight, will survive the shaking that is upon us.

        The encouragement is that all who humble themselves before Him, seek His face, pray, and turn from their wicked ways will be healed and preserved. This will be true of every government on every level, right down to the authority structure of every business, school, or family. We are entering the Valley of Decision. There is no longer time to keep hesitating between opinions. What will you decide?

         This is a test that every soul on earth must take. However, all of God’s tests are “open book tests.” You have the source of the right answer to every question. If you do not already know what to do, then go to the book He gave us and the Author Himself will help you find it.

        For more Information on the upcoming New Year's Convocation Click HERE