Week 2, 2006

Before the New Year’s message and in the last part of our study, we examined the ban that Achan violated which led to his and his family’s destruction. This may have seemed harsh, but it was intended to deal with the greed within the people that could have nullified the entire purpose of the nation and ultimately even destroyed them.

The ban was intended to help manifest any greed that was in the people in the very beginning of their conquest of the land. It had to be dealt with right up front to prevent even more devastating problems later. Greed is one of the primary strongholds in our lives that will result in ultimate defeat and even destruction, just as it did for Achan and would have for many more if what was in Achan had been allowed to continue.

Again, the church is now being prepared to cross over and begin possessing its Promised Land. This is a good time to begin dealing with greed in our own lives so that it does not surface at a time when it cannot only hurt us and our families, but many others as well. There is a very easy and positive way to deal with greed—be generous.

Greed is a basic antithesis to the gospel that saved us. We are called to share the gospel with the world. Our very salvation and reconciliation with God is the result of God giving us His very best, His own Son. This is the nature of the true Christian life—generosity, the giving of our best for the sake of those who so desperately need to see the light. Greed is an ultimate counter to generosity and an ultimate force for evil in the world. It cannot be tolerated in the camp of the Lord. If we do not deal with it ourselves, then the Lord soon will.

If we are going to build our lives upon the promises of the sure Word of God, the kingdom, and our Promised Land, then generosity is basic. When Agabus prophesied that a famine was going to come upon the whole earth, the way the disciples prepared for this was not by hoarding, but by giving—they took up an offering for the poor saints in Israel. Those who have true understanding know this principle well. If we put our treasure in heaven, it will be available any time we need it, and we will also find out that it will multiply while in our account.

This is one reason why we started our ZAO Water Project, our Disaster Relief, and all of the other missions we have. Even though we were not thinking about it quite like that when we did, we were just being compelled by the Helper to help those who are suffering from these most devastating catastrophes. However, it was after we began this that I was shown Revelation 8:10-11:

And the third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters;

and the name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood; and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.

This has not yet happened, so we can be sure that it is yet to come. Even so, by helping those who are dying today because of impure drinking water, we are storing up in heaven our own future provision. We do not have to fear the plague of Wormwood.
Johnny Appleseed came through our region in Moravian Falls, North Carolina using the apple to preach the gospel. He used to say that you could count the seeds in an apple, but you could not count the apples in a seed. This whole region of the state is now covered in apple trees that supposedly originated from this evangelist who preached here more than two hundred years ago. Likewise, our ZAO Water Project is now just a seed, but we believe it can be used to help transform Africa. We also believe that when the Wormwood plague comes, many will have been provided pure water and will not be affected.

What way is the Lord leading each of us to sow seeds that will provide a harvest? Do not miss your opportunity to sow. Just as we are promised in a number of places in both the Old and New Testaments (the Scriptures cannot be broken, but are one), every Christian’s life should have such an overflow that we are a major blessing to all who are in need. That’s what Paul prayed for in II Corinthians 9:6-8:

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.

Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed...

This is a part of our Promised Land, having such an abundance, so much more than we ourselves need, that it blesses and touches every one around us. This is not just in money or material things, but in faith, hope, love, healing, etc. This begins with material things because, as the Lord Jesus said, we cannot be trusted with the true riches of the kingdom if we do not learn how to handle the earthly ones (see Luke 16:11). Even so, His kingdom is not of this world, and neither are the true blessings of the Promised Land that we are seeking. They are something we are to walk in and demonstrate in this life, but they are not of this world.

This is the time to set aside your treasure in heaven, and also to fortify your own heart. Resist fear, and walk in faith by sowing, giving, and demonstrating the generosity of God by which we have been so blessed. As I said, when we started ZAO, I do not think any of us were even thinking of the plague of Wormwood in the Book of Revelation, but the Lord showed us that we would be taken care of through this because of the way we were giving to the poor, who are called to be rich in faith.

One of the things we have been shown prophetically many times over the years is that a time is coming when water will be far more valuable than oil, and in some places even more valuable than gold. Maybe at that time those who are so poor now, but who we will have helped to provide pure water, will become rich. As the kingdom comes, we can expect the mountains and hills to be brought low, and the valleys and low places to be raised up. Maybe this is one way that will happen.

There are things coming upon the earth that will ultimately sap any earthly bank account or fortune. The U.S. government is the wealthiest nation on earth, but it, too, will come to the place where it can no longer provide disaster relief, and will only be able to try to keep order in the midst of what is happening. Many are not able to hear such things, considering them to be “negative prophecies,” but they are biblical prophecies. The times will not even be very difficult for those who have built their houses on the Rock by hearing and obeying the words of the Lord.

This coming year is going to be very difficult for all who are not abiding in the kingdom. The fear barometer is going to be rising a few more degrees because the earth is going to be groaning and travailing, and the lawless are going to become even more ruthless. People who are giving themselves over to darkness are going to be falling into increasing darkness. However, the glory of the Lord which is coming upon His people will also be so much greater that 2006 will be known as “The Year of the Holy Spirit.”

The Holy Spirit is going to be moving in a very dramatic way this year. Those who are in harmony with Him will be having the greatest year of their life. We really are coming to the time of the fulfillment of Isaiah 60:1-5:

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

"For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you.

"And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

"Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come from afar, and your daughters will be carried in the arms.

"Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you.

We see here that at the very time the “deep darkness” is coming upon the people, the glory of the Lord is coming upon His people. If we are building our lives on the kingdom which cannot be shaken, we will have nothing to fear from the things that are now coming upon the world. Rather, it will be a time for great rejoicing—the time when the glory of the Lord appears upon His people.

We must always keep in mind this is the greatest treasure, the greatest possession we could ever have—the Lord with us. We are going to be experiencing the glory of the Lord this year in an increasing way in preparation for the glorious victories to come. Get ready!