2001 Special Bulletin #15

This bulletin is a brief composite of coming world events that I have been shown prophetically over the last fourteen years, most of which have been published in books, articles, and the MorningStar Prophetic Bulletins. The phrase I believe best describes what I have seen is "These were the best of times, and these were the worst of times." Biblically it seems to be the ultimate fulfillment of Isaiah 60:1-2:

Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD
is risen upon you.

For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep
darkness the people; but theLORD will arise over you,
and His glory will be seen upon you.

We are entering the most troubled times that the world has ever known, but also the most glorious. Individually, by our actions we choose how much light or darkness we will personally see. Nations can make the same choices.

The threat from terrorism will not be over with the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, or the destruction of al Qaeda. This is an extremely dangerous war, and now that it has begun it will not end without the destruction of one side or the other. This is truly a threat to Western civilization. The West will ultimately prevail in this war, but the cost is yet to be determined.

Immediately, the United States is under a very serious threat of sabotage, especially within the military. It is a primary strategy of the terrorists to use our own weapons against us, and if we do not place abundant and redundant security around our nuclear weapons, especially those on our navy ships, we could pay a terrible price.

We are also headed for some form of Martial Law, and it will be necessary and right for a time. The grace of the Lord has been upon us to have the right people in the right places at this time. Also, if we do not protect our Southern and Northern borders, but especially our Southern border, we will begin to suffer almost continuous, devastating, attacks.

It is the intention of the enemy for this to be a very long and drawn out war in which the he tries to wear us down and weaken our resolve. One of the worst things that can happen is for the American people and government is to turn against Israel. If America turns against Israel she will eventually turn against her own Jewish population as well as Christians. Even if America completely turned against Israel and then against all Jews and Christians, it will not satisfy the Islamic extremists, but will only embolden them to press for the total destruction of America, and then every nation that did not
submit to their radical brand of Islam.

Radical Islam cannot coexist with the modern world, and this will be a fight to the death of one or the other. One of the worst things that could happen is for this to degenerate quickly into a war between the West and all of Islam, and there is a grave danger of this happening. The West would win this war, but the cost to the whole world would be more than we want to even contemplate.

This will not happen by the West being too resolute in our pursuit of the terroristsÑit will happen by our not being resolute enough. Radical Islam is a cancer within Islam which has grown to the degree that it threatens the whole body. If the moderate Islamic states do not arise with their own resolution to rid their bodies of this disease, they will be taken over by it as well. Moderate Islamic states are in as much jeopardy as the West. If the present operations do not succeed in getting all of the cancer out of these bodies, it will quickly come back to spread with even more fury.

This is not a war where we can win a few battles and then get the rest of the enemy to agree to be good from now on. It is a war that has to be fought with focus and resolution until terrorism is no longer considered a viable means for affecting political policy anywhere in the world. The victory will go to the side that is the most focused, patient, and resolute to press on to complete victory.

Because of all the nations involved, many more lives are in danger from this present war than were lost in World War II. Millions can be lost in America and Europe, but tens of millions can be lost by Islamic states. If weapons of mass destruction are used against America, or other Western nations, they will respond in kind. This war is far more dangerous situation than the Cold WarÑit is the most dangerous war the world has yet known.
This may sound like I am trying to be an alarmist, but I am trying to sound an alarm. I could be much more graphic. With things seemingly going so well in Afghanistan few will want to hear this kind of scenario, but if we drop our guard, or go back to sleep, we will pay a terrible price for it. This war is far from overÑit has hardly begun.

I have written about this already in numerous books, articles, and Prophetic Bulletins. However, as we have also repeated often, when we are shown such negative things, it is so we can begin to pray, repent, and seek the Lord so they do not have to come to pass. I do believe it is the Lord's will to thwart every single attack, and for this war to be won as painlessly as possible. There is still and extraordinary grace on America. We could have easily lost ten times as many people on September 11. That is why I am also going to write a bulletin on "The Best That Can Happen." Even so, we must be wise and mature enough to face the realities and dangers that we face.

We must look at the big picture or the big map, if we are going to understand where all of the roads lead. There are a number of roads the world can now take, and a number of destinations that we will therefore arrive at. As we understand the map, and the roads, it will be evident which road we are now on, and how we need to change our course if necessary to arrive at the desired destination.

I remain keenly aware that we "see through a glass darkly." We also "see in part," and "know in part." No one person or group has the whole picture. If we are to see the whole picture we must therefore put the parts together that have been given to different people. The Lord has established this as one more way that we are going to have to work together and get along if we are going to know His full purpose. So, even if what I am about to share is 100 percent accurate, it is still only part of the picture. However, having just one part can be very useful in helping us to recognize the additional parts needed for the complete picture.

Know Him, Know Peace
As I have also shared regularly, I did not feel the Lord showed me the timing on any of the events that I have seen prophetically. I did not know if they were going to happen in two months or two decades. Now, looking back, a few things that I was shown happened relatively fast, but most of what I saw in 1987 took over twelve years to begin to unfold. Just as the fulfilling of biblical prophecy sometimes seemed to happen fast, and then other things took much longer, even centuries, the Lord purposely does not want prophecy to be a science, but the result of a relationship with Him. I am more convinced now than I have ever been that the only way we can know the truth, true prophecy, or the timing of it, is to remain very close to the Lord.

I also have another concern about writing these thingsÑthat they would impart more fear to some instead of the intended soberness. We must always keep in mind that the Lord is not sitting on His throne wringing His hands over what is about to come to pass, and neither is anyone who is abiding in Him. If we are overly gripped with fear at these things, it should be an indication that we are not abiding in the Lord the way that we should. As Isaiah 26:3 promises, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."

There is a saying that "If you do not change your direction you will end up where you are headed." The things that I am about to share I do believe are going to happen unless we do something to change our direction. We can change what is going to happen, but we must change our direction to do it. How I believe that we must do this will be addressed in future bulletins in more detail.

The Minefield
As stated, we have come to the most dangerous times the world has yet known. As a ministry we have been sounding this alarm for many years now. The world is not going to get safer for the foreseeable future, but much more dangerous. However, we can be safer in the world, because never will there be a safer place than in the will of God. Even so, the place where the nations are going to have to navigate is becoming increasingly dangerous. Every step has the potential to set off a crippling explosion. We need to pray for the wisdom of our leaders like never before.

The war in Afghanistan seems to be going well at this time, but there is still potential for things to get much worse than we want to imagine. The United States still has a knee jerk reaction to anything that threatens to be anything like Viet Nam, but we have to get over this. That reaction can cause us to take the wrong steps, and do the very things that will cause us to pay a most terrible price. Our governments must move ahead with wisdom, but with courage and decisiveness or the danger will increase.

Just as the Allies knew that they could not take the pressure off of Germany for a moment or they might have the time to develop the weapons of mass destruction that could change everything, if we let up on terrorism for even a moment it will give them time to plan and execute even worse devastation on the West. Our war must be relentless until the job is complete. This job will not be done until terrorism is no longer considered a viable option for affecting political policy anywhere in the world. If we do not get all this cancer during this operation, it will come back with even more deadly force.

Avoiding the Mines
Even though this war must be carried out in a minefield (it is no accident that Afghanistan is the world's largest minefield) there is only one way for us avoid the mines that lay before usÑto establish a foreign policy solidly on our basic values as a nation, not short term political, or economic, expediency. If we follow a political or an economic compass, we will soon find ourselves groveling helplessly with our legs blown off as a nation. If we follow the moral compass we will make it throughÑstill a healthy nation and standing on our feet.

This does not mean we must impose our culture, religion, or morality, on others. It does mean that we must not give our support to those who we know to be corrupt. Before we go too much further we need to establish firmly what our true values are, and we cannot continue to support people and governments who do not share our basic values as a nation. This did not seem possible in the Cold War, but it is possible now, and we will always pay a terrible price for claiming to walk in the light while yoking ourselves with darkness. This will become increasingly clear in the future.