Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

The Greatest Honor- The Greatest Christian Life, Part 10

         I have been privileged to know some of the top leaders in just about every field—the church, business, industry, education, government, sports, the military, science, and entertainment. Some common denominators are found in all who reach the highest levels. One is that they are energetically and enthusiastically devoted to staying on the cutting edge of knowledge in their field. This is almost always because of their love of knowledge and their love of their profession.

National Health Scare - Part 4

     The national debate on health care is rising in intensity every day. This is very encouraging—Americans are waking up, getting informed, and becoming engaged. Truth and light are the “divinely powerful weapons” that can have a much greater impact than any military force. As light has been shown on the health care bill, it is creating a remarkable awakening.

Taking the Land, Part 6

As we continue our study of crossing over to possess the Promised Land this week, we want to examine in a little more depth the reason for the ban that caused Achan to get into trouble. This ban was that the people could not keep any of the gold, silver, bronze, or iron in Jericho, but it was to be given as a first fruits offering to the Lord. This ban was not a punishment on the people, but it was a preparation so they could be trusted with the unprecedented blessing that the Lord was about to give to His people.

The Beast and The Bride

In Revelation 13 we are told about the beast who seeks to place a mark upon all who worship him so that no one can buy, sell, or trade unless they have his mark. Countless hours have been spent by many devoted Christians trying to foresee the form in which this mark would come so that they could avoid taking it. It may seem like an over-simplification, but we will take just a few minutes over the next few weeks to understand this beast and the mark, as well as how to not take it from the clear teachings of Scripture.

The Judge is Coming

There is a hope that will never disappoint— the hope in the Lord. He will never leave us and He will never fail us. Christianity has been given the greatest hope the world has ever heard— Jesus is going to return to rule over the earth. He will establish His throne upon righteousness and justice. Not only will everyone be treated fairly, but He is going to restore the original paradise that the earth was intended to be.

Prepared for the Times, Part 17

Many people seem to think that a matter’s importance will be reflected by how much space it is given in Scripture. However, some things that are of paramount importance are given very little space in Scripture. Take for example being born again. Only two brief sentences about being born again are in the entire Bible, and they do not really define it. Yet we are told that we cannot even see the kingdom until we have been born again.

Discerning the Times, Part 30

We are still dealing with some of the important questions being asked in this time, such as: If the foundations of the nations are crumbling, is it not a waste of time to try to shore them up? Why should we not spend our effort and time in building the kingdom and just let the world crumble as it is destined to do?