Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 72

Last week we began addressing our responsibility to test the fruitfulness of ministries and missions in which we are investing the Lord's resources. In large operations such as charities, which are devoted to distributing material goods, this is much easier to measure than when we examine evangelistic and missionary outreaches.

We Prophesy by Faith, Not by Method - The Prophetic Experiences, Part 2

     Please keep in mind that I am sharing my experiences and perspectives of the prophetic, but other prophetic people may experience these differently. Just as the Lord made us all unique as people, and our experiences in life are all unique, our experiences in Him are all unique, too. Every prophet in Scripture was different and seemed to receive revelation in different ways. There are common factors and characteristics, but we must also be open for the Lord to do the unique.

Day 137 - The Questions of Life

In 2001, we lost our good friend and co-worker, Dennis Rippy, who died of cancer. Dennis battled cancer about as well as anyone could. In 1999, the doctors gave Dennis a 5 percent chance to make it through the night. Dozens from our congregation in Charlotte rallied, many spending all night in the hospital simply refusing to let Dennis go. A couple of weeks later, Dennis left the hospital.
Then in 2001, this terrible enemy struck Dennis again. The doctors gave him thirty days to live. Again Dennis beat the death sentence.

Ritual vs. Reality: The Book of Revelation

     One of the most destructive practices that permeated the church during the “falling away” in the Middle Ages was the substitution of rituals for reality. For example, instead of communion being done in “remembrance of the Lord” and as a commitment to partake of Him, His life, and His body—known in the first century church as koinonia—a ritual took its place. Instead of having communion with Him and His people, they just took communion in a ritual and felt they had fulfilled their obligation.

Day 89 - True Discipleship

As Steve Thompson related in one of our leadership team meetings, there have been scientific studies made which indicate that the way that we are born can affect our whole lives. One example that was given is a procedure developed called "drug them and tug them," which was to drug the mother and tug the baby out. That generation became the one that turned to drug use in mass. Drugs are used as an escape from the pains of life.

The Power Is Coming

First, my prayer for you this coming year is that it will be the best one you have ever had in the Lord. I pray that you will draw much closer to Him this year, and come to know His ways and His voice much better. I also pray that you will be changed more into His image by seeing more of His glory with your own eyes. His glory is going to be seen by His people this year.

I would also like to thank all of you who sent cards, encouraging words, and even gifts, all of which were very special and meaningful. Thanks.