Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Prepared for the Times, Part 38

For the last few years, we have gone through times when a new crisis or major controversy seemed to be happening every month, to now, when it seems like we are facing two or three a week. Certainly these times are becoming more intense, but this does not mean that we need to feel increased pressure...

Prepared for the Times, Part 37

The seventh and last trumpet of God in the Book of Revelation is the message “our God reigns!” This is the last message that will go out from God at the end of this age and will help usher in the age when God reigns over the earth through His Son Jesus, and His bride, the church. Jesus purchased...

Prepared for the Times, Part 36

Last week there was an article on AOL News about how an increasing number of Americans doubted that President Obama is a Christian, but rather believe that he is a Muslim. This has also been picked up by television news. Much of the media seems intent on establishing Obama as a Christian, but in...

Prepared for the Times, Part 35

While I’m writing this, there is a great controversy with a proposal to build a mosque near ground zero in Manhattan. This growing issue has brought up other important questions. Events and issues like this can reveal much about the heart condition of a nation, and we need to understand what it is...

Prepared for the Times, Part 34

I once watched the local news for thirty days straight to see if there was any good news. There was none reported. Of course, there was some good news, but just not newsworthy by present network standards. I turned on the news as I sat down to write this and was quickly overwhelmed by the problems...

Prepared for the Times, Part 33

Compared to the kingdom of God, all of the issues of this present world are boring. We must be engaged in the issues of this present world, at least to the degree that is necessary in order for us to be the salt and light we’re called to be. However, to be this salt and light, we must see and live...

Prepared for the Times, Part 32

I sometimes receive appeals from well-known, politically liberal Christians who want me and other conservatives to refrain from our criticism of President Obama, with one even calling this criticism “unchristian.” I responded by calling this request hypocritical. Admittedly, some criticism by...

Prepared for the Times, Part 31

It now appears that more than half of the people in America are at least beginning to believe that there is an intentional dismantling of America’s strength and the basic pillars of our Republic. This includes an increasing number from the President’s own party. Just as recent tapes from Osama bin...

Prepared for the Times, Part 30

A question many are asking in these times is the following: Is there an intentional gutting of American economic strength—maybe even the intentional collapse of the world’s economy, or is it just foolishness? I confess that I have never paid much attention to conspiracies, or conspiracy theories,...

Prepared for the Times, Part 29

The first strategy of the devil to seduce mankind was to get our first parents to doubt the Word of God—“Did God really say that?” Once he got them to doubt what He had said, it was just a short step to getting them to doubt God’s intentions for them. From there, his ploy was to get them to feel...