Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Seeing and Hearing, Part 2

The ministry of a pastor is only mentioned one time in the New Testament—in Ephesians 4:11 where it is listed with the other equipping ministries given to the church. There is no definition or description given to this ministry in the New Testament, yet this one ministry has virtually dominated...

Seeing and Hearing, Part 1

Since this is the first Word for the Week of 2011, and we are studying how to know God’s voice and the prophetic gifts that He has given to His church, I want to begin by sharing what may be one of the most prolific messages God’s people have been receiving. The question I may be asked more than...

Prepared for the Times, Part 52

This coming year the goal of our study is to be able to discern the voice of the Lord better, first for our own guidance, but also in the unfolding events of our times. Nothing is more important for us to do this year than to love God more and follow Him more closely. Only then can we love each...

Prepared for the Times, Part 51

Many Christians believe that we cannot understand the times because Jesus said that no man knows the hour in which He will return (see Matthew 24:36). Even though it is true that we do not know the time of His return, we can still know the times, and in fact we must. I Thessalonians 5:1-4 says: Now...

Prepared for the Times, Part 50

Many things bring life to a church, such as great preaching, prayer, worship, and fellowship. However, three things seem to bring the most life to the church—hearing from God, miracles, and new believers. In our local church, we have been blessed by an increase in each of these, which has come in...

Prepared for the Times, Part 49

Since we are now into the holiday season, we should be thankful and enjoy the periods between Thanksgiving and New Year’s when we focus more on family and socializing. This is a good thing. It’s almost like a tithe of the year in which we draw back and focus on relationships. Enjoy it, and get all...

Prepared for the Times, Part 48

The United States was the first, and some say the only, nation created through the belief that God, not government, has given to all men certain unalienable rights, and that government exists for the purpose of protecting those rights. For this reason, the government is a servant of the people, not...

Prepared for the Times, Part 47

Many of you have written and asked me to spend more time addressing current events. Others have written and said that I shouldn’t spend any time on current events and just stick to spiritual matters. I appreciate the position of each. Compared to knowing God and His kingdom, even the most...

Prepared for the Times, Part 46

The Great Commission to go and “make disciples of all nations” (see Matthew 28:19) with the gospel is not just geographical. To be the salt and light we are called to be, we need to go into every field, every profession, every trade, as well as every nation and culture. We need to address the...

Prepared for the Times, Part 45

The following was a Fox News report that was very important and illuminated about the state of the church in America: A new survey of Americans' knowledge of religion found that atheists, agnostics, Jews, and Mormons outperformed Protestants and Roman Catholics in answering questions about major...