Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 38

As we proceed toward considering how we can help build the highway for our God, we want to occasionally fortify the foundations of our own spiritual lives. Just as there were five pillars at the door of the Holy Place in the tabernacle of God and the Holy of Holies, there are five basic principles...

Strategic Prophetic Word - Europe - Norway/Sweden/Finland

I am seeing the Scandinavian Nations—Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am just going to prophesy revival in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I believe, Lord, You are showing me that there is a German who is going to have great influence and great anointing in the Scandinavian region. And so Father, I join with him now by faith, and I say "release that influence, release that power, release that proclamation" Lord for some transformation in those nations in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, August 3, 2006 - 20:00

Build the Highway

The last two decades have witnessed the greatest advance of the gospel in history. It has been estimated that more people have become Christians in just the last two decades than have from the first century until this time. This is partly due to more people being alive now than have lived during the previous two thousand years. Without question, Christianity has made its greatest advances in recent years on a worldwide basis than ever before in its history.

Monday, July 31, 2006 - 00:00

Taking the Land, Part 37

Even a cursory look at church history reveals many things that were not only contrary to the teachings and nature of Christ, but were diabolical in nature. Today the church tends to deal mostly with matters of insensitivity, but in times past, the issues were how to deal with the brutal and inhuman...

Taking the Land, Part 36

From the very beginning of the church in the first century, there have been those who have been prone to compromise the gospel in order to appease people, trying to make it easier for them to accept. This tendency has always caused far more problems for the church and the faithful than it...

Taking the Land, Part 35

The purpose of this study is not just to know and understand the biblical prophecies concerning these times, but to be prepared for the times. This week we will briefly look at how the message of the last two weeks is crucial for this. You can know what is going to happen and still not be...

Taking the Land, Part 34

As the church begins to enter its Promised Land, it will demonstrate to the world the distinction between the citizens of the kingdom of God and those of this world. Presently, there is very little distinction in anything, including the morals, basic integrity, and therefore not surprisingly, the...

Taking the Land, Part 33

As we covered some time ago, the first lesson Israel had to learn if they were going to make it across the wilderness to their Promised Land, was how to turn the bitter waters into sweet, as we read in Exodus 15:22-26: So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the Wilderness...

Taking the Land, Part 32

As we studied last week, love is the essential foundation for all true discernment. This is why we teach our prophetically gifted people not to trust a negative revelation about anyone they have been hurt or rejected by, but rather resolve to pray for them, grow in love for them, and only accept...

Taking the Land, Part 31

We have briefly looked at some of the eschatological views developed from a historical perspective. However, we should keep in mind that not all of the Reformers held to the same views about the end-time fulfillment of biblical prophecies. Neither did the Catholic theologians all hold to the same...