Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

The Marxist Strategy for Taking Over America, Part 2—Heritage Brief 57

         As we continue to cover the 45 Goals Marxists published for taking over America, we may think some of them are no longer relevant, but though some of these are no longer on the forefront of international Communist policy because they were accomplished, or they are no longer relevant, we can see in them the nature of Marxist thinking and strategy, so we will address them all in these Briefs.

MARXIST GOAL #2: Make the U.S. willing to capitulate to communist demands rather than risk atomic war. 


The Marxist Strategy for Taking Over America—Heritage Brief 56

          Marxists have been brilliant in the use of propaganda, and the rest of the world has been inexplicably naïve. Lenin boasted that his treatise on Marxism did not contain a single truth. Yet, it went viral at the time and was embraced by some of the most wealthy and powerful capitalists, and was lauded among the intelligentsia of the West. How could such leading citizens and respected leaders have been so foolish? The same way they continue to be today.


Bridge to Heaven

There is a theological principle called “The Principle of First Mention.” This establishes that when something is first mentioned in Scripture, it is with a revelation of its main purpose. For example, pray and prophet are both first mentioned in the same verse, Genesis 20:7. This implies that...

Two Witnesses—Heritage Brief 55

        It can be a help in understanding our times to see the parallel developments in Christianity and science. In both there are many professionals who are just doing a job, but there are also passionate ones in both who rise up to be prophets of a new day. We must understand the darkness, but even more we must see and understand the light that is beginning to appear. 


The Deception—Heritage Brief 54

         Since Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Freudian psychology, and Marxism have all been soundly debunked by true science, and have proven to be very destructive to society, why are they still embraced by so many? Why are they still taught in our schools? Why do they still influence educated people? When the reasons for this are understood, they help free us from many other diabolical influences that have brought such deception upon the earth. These are some of the most basic reasons so many accept such deception:


Training for Reigning

As we covered last week, this life is a war for a great purpose. As I John 5:19 states, “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” Jesus purchased the whole world on the cross, and He is coming to take it back. He has delayed doing this for the sake of those He has called to reign with...

The Path to Sonship

We are in a war. That should not surprise us because we have been in a war our whole life, as has every other human being to live since the fall in the Garden. It never stops, it only changes forms. As we are told in I John 5:19, “We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the...

Finding the Living Waters

One of the most effective military strategies is called concentration of forces . This strategy is used to create a breakthrough in enemy lines because once their lines are penetrated they must retreat to keep from being surrounded. A force in retreat is then far more vulnerable as they must try to...

The Kingdom of God

In Daniel 2 we are told of a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had of a statue that represented all of the present and future empires of man that would rise on the earth. At the end of the dream a little stone strikes the feet of this statue and it crumbles. The little stone then grows into a mountain...

Our Basic Purpose

The most successful investment strategy is buy low, sell high. Would you like to buy a stock that could not go down, and is guaranteed to keep increasing in value forever? The kingdom of God is guaranteed to do this. Even the greatest empires of men have been short-lived when considered in the span...