Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 58

The year 2007 will be a significant year, and 2008 will be even more so. We can expect each year to ratchet up in intensity and significance. This means that the consequences of our choices will continue to increase in importance. This is why asking God for wisdom should be one of our highest priorities. Therefore, we have a great promise and warning in James 1:5-8:

A New Breed of Leader

          What would the perfect President be like? What would the perfect Senator or Congressman be like? Of course, we do not have perfect people to choose from for these positions, but if we set the standard of what we’re looking for, and then start looking for the right people to fill the positions, we would likely end up with much better leaders than we have now.

A Dream

On February 5, 2005, I dreamed that I was in the house with an invalid, crippled woman. She rose up out of her bed and began to walk. Immediately she wanted to go outside. I checked and it was a beautiful day, and all who were in the room knew that it was right for her to go outside immediately. There was great joy in this, and we knew that it would be a very big event. The dream ended as we were about to open the door for her.

Avoiding the Beast's Mark—The Book of Revelation

         We continue here our study of how Revelation was given to the Lord to give to His bondservants. In Revelation 7, we are told that the Lord will hold back the four winds of the earth until His bondservants have been sealed. Therefore, only those who have embraced the life of a bondservant can fully understand this vision and are assured of not taking the mark of the beast.

Taking the Land, Part 50

There are many forms of democracy. If there is a form of democracy that takes its place in the kingdom of God, we can expect it to be much more brilliant than any form that we have now. Even so, the basic premise that the Lord wants our participation in His government is right. Now what about communism?

Creating a Clean Heart - Part 7

The next work of the flesh in this study of Galatians 5:19-21 is "jealousy." This is another deadly and devastating evil that continues to cause much destruction in the world and in the church. As the Scripture also testifies, it is cruel and unrelenting, and destroys the one who has it just like it does its victims. The first murder was the result of jealousy, when Cain slew his brother Abel. We are told that Jesus was crucified because of jealousy (see Matthew 27:18).

Heavenly Riches

As we have studied, the Lord made it clear that the way we handle our earthly finances will determine the kind of true riches of the kingdom that we can be trusted with. Consider this question: Would you rather have the money to buy enough food to feed five thousand people or the power to multiply a single lunch into enough for them all? If you would rather have the money, then make it your primary pursuit. If you would rather have the authority that the Lord demonstrated when He walked the earth, then pursue Him.

Strategic Prophetic Words


A vision by Bob Jones:In a prophetic experience, Bob was awakened by an attack of swarming flies. Because they kept him from being able to rest, he went to see where they were coming from. He found an open sewer. Christians had been dumping their garbage at the opening and not covering it up, so the flies were able to breed on it. He was told to seal the sewer with a round clay tile, which he was told was the tongue.

Day 140 - Growing Daily

When a child is born, he or she will grow very fast for the first few years of their life. Then they will have plateaus where growth slows. They will also experience "growth spurts," during which time the child's appetite will tend to grow, causing them to shoot up two or three inches in short periods of time. These spurts can be painful, stretching the muscles causing what is known as "growing pains." Even so, as long as they are having them, they are continuing to grow.