Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Seeing and Hearing, Part 1

   Since this is the first Word for the Week of 2011, and we are studying how to know God’s voice and the prophetic gifts that He has given to His church, I want to begin by sharing what may be one of the most prolific messages God’s people have been receiving. The question I may be asked more than any other is what 11-11 means. Whether seeing it repeatedly on their clocks or in other ways, many people have been receiving this for years. New Year’s Day was 1/1/11 or 11-11.

Daily Life With A Kingdom Culture - The Path of Life, Part 16

     We discussed how difficult it is to communicate and how culture affects this, so we must have the Spirit of God and be a part of His culture, the kingdom, to really understand His communication to us. This includes both prophetic revelation and His written Word. If we have the spirit of the world and try to read God’s Word, we will not understand it the way it was intended. This is a primary reason there can be so many different interpretations of the Scriptures. We must become one with the Author to understand it as intended.

Standards of Christian Living - The Prophetic Experiences, Part 5

     True Christian discipleship is a life of sacrifice, not acquiring. This does not mean that we should not provide well for our families, as we are also told in I Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever.” However, there is a difference between providing for our families and being materialistic, greedy, or even immoderate.

A Sober Warning

As we have been patiently laying a foundation for understanding our purpose in these times, and how our own purpose for which we were created is restored, what the Lord said in John 15:1-2 should be a most sober warning to every believer:

Victory Over Weakness, Sickness, And Death


I had dinner with Brother Wade Taylor recently, and I was stunned by how young he looked. Without using hair color, or any other cosmetic fixes, he looked at least 20 years younger than the last time I saw him. He said that he also felt better than he had in many years. When I asked him what his secret was, he remarked simply that he takes communion every day. He believes that the Lord is a "quickening Spirit" who will "quicken our mortal bodies." I know many who believe, but I think that Brother Taylor is actually touching on something.

Discerning the Times, Part 47

Christians have a basic mandate to set people free from bondage. The fact that slavery could exist in America, which is a nation devoted to freedom, is evidence of a great disconnect in the mind and theology of the nation at that time. However, some did see this disconnect and preached freedom for all. For nearly a century, this went on with seemingly little effect. However, these faithful messengers were preparing the ground, and their words were accomplishing their purpose.

The Army of God Mobilizes, Part 34

Seeing our purpose can have the single most powerful impact on our own life after coming to know the Lord, being born again, and being baptized in His Spirit. All Christians are called to be witnesses, but we also have a calling in His body that is more specific than that. Every Christian is called to function in at least one spiritual gift, which is the tool we are given for fulfilling our purposes. So how do we come to the knowledge of these? There is a clear and easy path to it. My purpose for this study is to make it as clear and easy as it is.

Taking the Land, Part 90

Last week we began to address how and why the governments of this world are starting to erode and what will ultimately cause their collapse, which to a large degree is the result of trying to build on socialism. Socialism almost always begins with good intentions, but the good side of the Tree of Knowledge will be just as deadly as the evil side, having the same basic root with the same basic poison. To simplify, the Tree of Knowledge represents man trying to attain on his own without God. Socialism, in its basic form, is man's attempt to be God to men, providing all of his needs.

Taking the Land, Part 34

As the church begins to enter its Promised Land, it will demonstrate to the world the distinction between the citizens of the kingdom of God and those of this world. Presently, there is very little distinction in anything, including the morals, basic integrity, and therefore not surprisingly, the things which afflict Christians and non-Christians. This will not continue. There will be a pruning of those branches which are not bearing fruit, so that those who are bearing fruit will bear more.