Accidents into Awakenings


Sean Smith – Turning Accidents into Awakenings – Be the revival you are looking for. The best deliverers are those who have been delivered. Sean shares how Jephthah was born out of wedlock, but becomes a “mighty man of valor”.

Isaiah Saldivar – We have been pointlessly wasting our time on useless things such as TV and social media while only spending a couple of hours with God. How can we hope to achieve change in our nation without seeking God constantly. We MUST get intimate with Jesus.

Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus


Ten-Minute Speaker: Jahn : Jahn shares how the Lord moved in a great way in his life and completely changed him. He got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues.

Isaiah Saldivar – Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus: Isaiah says that we build ministries and churches and wonder why the Lord doesn’t show up. Radical means screaming for the devil to hear what we are saying about the Lord. Revival comes when we realize how much we need Jesus in our communities, churches, and families. The world is coming to us seeking Jesus, not our entertainment or sermons.



Ten-Minute Speaker – Destiny: She shares about a mission’s trip to the Philippines where she had an awesome experience in the presence of Jesus.

Isaiah Saldivar – Movement: We have so little awareness of Who is in us. We need the Holy Ghost and power to visit us tonight. God used all of His power to pull Jesus out of hell and then hid that power in us.

Awakening in America


We look like the world and we expect the world to want what we have. We need to get radical for Jesus, and if He doesn’t show up in America, it’s over. Isaiah sees a powerful revival coming to America. The disciples were uneducated, but they had been with Jesus, and that’s where their power came from. That’s what attracted people to Jesus and brought revival.