A Prophetic Snapshot


Rick discusses a prophetic picture of world events, including China, America, and Japan and how it's affecting modern day culture.
He goes on to share that everything will be shaken "Will Be Shaken", except for the kingdom of God. Rick also mentions how pruning is done right before great growth and he believes more growth is coming this fall.

The Grace Controversy


Rick Joyner shares a message how people need to be free to worship the way they want to worship because God has created us all differently.  God loves diversity.  We have liberty and freedom to believe whatever opinions on The Bible we would like, but we can’t declare our opinions as doctrine.

The Rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David


Cindy Jacobs shares that the calling of the church is to keep the fire burning on the altar. Twenty-four hour worship brings a connection from heaven to earth. God is going to begin something where we are going to worship with intention.

CSCL Principal Sandy Woods speaks about CSCL being a place where learning is fun and innovative. She describes the school curriculum and gives examples of graduate success stories. But she also encourages us to walk in our destiny with success.

Man Should Not Live by Bread Alone


Tom shares that it's important for us to hear and understand what God is saying. There is a fresh word coming from God; and as we hear it, digest it, and tailor our lives around it, we respond to it in the correct way. Samuel wouldn't let one of the Lord's words fall to the ground. Therefore, he altered or adjusted his life to obey what the Lord was saying. Jesus encouraged people to hear what the Spirit was speaking. He has not stopped speaking to the church. One day, our works will be made manifest and judged. Our conformity to the will of God will determine the course of our lives.