Wednesday Morning Session


Tom Hardiman invites MFM members to the mic to pray, prophesy and declare over the congregation and viewers watching.

Afterwards, Kathy Campell shares briefly on protecting your seed and putting your faith out there.  She shares testimonials of God's faith in her personal family life and how the Lord came through for her.


Both of these speakers are followed by Paul Keith Davis shares on the great genrals of the past and how they conteneded for things from God that we can and are supposed to carry today.


Healing the Land


Rick Joyner talks about different types of healing. He discusses healing the Land when there is a curse on it. Certain things bring curses on Land and we have to learn how to heal the Land.

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Make Love a Real Thing


Rick Joyner leads off this service with a brief message on tithing as one of the keys to breakthrough.  He also honors various conference attendees from different countries and prays for the nations.

Mike Warnke teaches on one of the keys to breakthrough—our love must be sincere (see Romans 12:9).  He shares stories of how God taught him to love sincerely through acts of sacrificial giving and how unexpected breakthrough came into his life.


2013 Year of Transformation


Kamal Saleem – 2013 Year of Transformation: We are living in the days of deception, and because of that, many nations are rising up to destroy Israel. In 2011, God told Kamal that He was separating the church from the world. Kamal tells us that God is removing His government away from the world and putting it in the church. The year 2013 will be a year of the glory of the Lord and the church will bless the nations.

MFM Retreat Kick Off


Rick Joyner – Rick tells the audience that we need to be devoted to the kingdom. The time for harvest is near and we need to prepare for it. He shares that Morningstar is positioned to have a major impact in the nations for the harvest. He also encourages us to stand on sound doctrine.

Bobby Conner - Bobby encourages us to make sure we understand that the gospel is simple and not to make it complicated. He says God is searching hearts these days to see who is going to go further with Him; that all are called but few will come. God is wooing us to spend time with Him.