Taking the Land, Part 33
As we covered some time ago, the first lesson Israel had to learn if they were going to make it across the wilderness to their Promised Land, was how to turn the bitter waters into sweet, as we read in Exodus 15:22-26:
Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants |
As we covered some time ago, the first lesson Israel had to learn if they were going to make it across the wilderness to their Promised Land, was how to turn the bitter waters into sweet, as we read in Exodus 15:22-26:
As we have been covering the last few weeks, the church now stands on the brink of one of the most important advances in history. It is an advance that must take place. If the church continues to wander in the wilderness, it will only wither away. We are called to be sojourners, but not nomads. Sojourners travel to a destination, while nomads just wander. We are coming to the destination that the entire church age has been preparing us for and now we must cross over.
In the next verse of the Lord’s discourse concerning the end of the age, and after saying there will be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6) He speaks of the issue that will cause most of the wars and conflicts.
World War II remains the most devastating and costly conflict in human history. Including the war in China there were as many as one hundred million people who died in it. The physical damage is far beyond our ability to calculate. It was motivated by the some of the cruelest evil to ever manifest itself in mankind. Even so, as both the Lord Jesus and Paul explained, the things that will come upon the world at the end will be like birth pangs when a woman in labor. It is the nature of birth pangs or “contractions” to become both stronger and more frequent the closer to birth.
Our text for this week is Ephesians 5:4:
Presidents from both parties, congressmen, government workers, and the media seem oblivious to the fact that small business is the economic engine of America and where true prosperity and economic growth is in the world. In Marc Nuttle’s remarkable book, Moment of Truth, he writes about one of the most important insights possibly ever stated by a leader of China.
As covered in a previous bulletin, there is a different mandate given to the government than to the church.
The Apostle Paul warned that many would be deceived in the last days because they would only want to have their ears tickled, meaning they could not endure hearing anything difficult or challenging. If you make it through the next few weeks with the Word for the Week, we will know you are not in that category because we are addressing the most difficult issues about discipleship first, such as the Lord’s statement in Luke 14:33:
The ministry of a pastor is only mentioned one time in the New Testament—in Ephesians 4:11 where it is listed with the other equipping ministries given to the church. There is no definition or description given to this ministry in the New Testament, yet this one ministry has virtually dominated church leadership since the third century. True New Covenant ministry is a team ministry as we see in this verse, and we need to receive all of the ministries to be a fully equipped church.
As we continue the theme of why we must have our own personal relationship with the Lord and not just follow others, we see an exhortation for this in The Song of Solomon. This Book was especially written for those whose life’s pursuit is to become the bride that our King so deserves. A key verse that all of these must learn is 1:7: