Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants


Revelation is a “revealing.” We need revelation because we know that we cannot understand these things accurately unless the Lord reveals them to us. Understanding prophecy is not a matter of figuring out formulas and patterns. If the Holy Spirit does not give us the understanding, we will not get it.

Adjusting Our Telescopes

Last week we discussed another foundational understanding of why many of the events at the end of this age will happen. Basically, they are the consequences of man trying to live without God. Some of these will be revealed by the political issues which revolve around Jerusalem that simply cannot be resolved by men. These will also severely injure those who arrogantly try to solve them.


A revolution is coming to Christianity that will eclipse the Reformation in the sweeping changes that it brings to the church. When it comes, the present structure and organization of the church will cease to exist, and the way that the world defines Christianity will be radically changed.

Discerning the Times, Part 49

When the elements of the health care bill became public knowledge, most thoughts about the economy and other great problems facing the country, took a back seat. This is understandable and I think commendable. We are now facing an issue far more important than just our money. For the citizens of the U.S., there are ultimate issues about not only our health, but our lives and our freedoms that are at stake in the health care bill, as well as other legislation being proposed. We are no doubt in a life or death struggle for the future of our country.

Day 118 - The Expanse of Heaven

We have been looking at our call to enter into and live in the heavenly realm now. We addressed Jacob's ladder, and how it represented Christ. He is the Way by which we climb into the heavenly realm. We discussed how the messengers of God are ascending and descending upon this ladder. We are called to enter into the heavenly realm, but we are also to descend back to earth with what we receive in the heavenly realm. This is what I want to discuss a little more at this time.
As a jet pilot I used to love flying at the highest altitudes.

Christ's Redemptive Nature—The Book of Revelation

     This “revelation of Jesus Christ” contains some of the most glorious descriptions of Him, His bride (the church), and the age to come. Its conclusion is probably the most encouraging message in the Scriptures about the future. However, the middle of this revelation predicts some of the darkest, most terrifying events in history, along with the antichrist and harlot church. Yet all are part of the “revelation of Jesus Christ.” Why is such evil included in this revelation of Jesus?

Day 70 - Peace on Earth

       My eyes are continually toward the LORD, for He will pluck my feet out of the net (Psalm 25:15).
There is no trap the enemy can lay for us that the Lord cannot deliver us from. However, deliverance requires that we look to Him, not man, and not to our own devices.
One cannot live in this world without having difficulties. When the Son of God Himself walked the earth He suffered continual attacks from His enemies.