Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

An Anchor for the Soul

I have been studying leadership for almost forty years, and it is a subject so vast and deep that I am constantly learning more about it. One of the most curious things about leadership is that those who may not understand much about it can have a great deal of it. Likewise, those who can know a great deal about it can have very little of it. Having followers is proof that one is a leader.

Day 102 - Climbing the Mountain of God

On Day One we discussed the progressive steps to maturity in Jesus Christ. If followed, these steps will lead to a mature, victorious Christian life. Our goal as stated in Ephesians 4:15 is to "...grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ." To help those of you who want to run ahead a little bit, I will lay out a few of the places where these steps are found in Scripture so that you may begin the individual study of them. The first of these is addressed by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 10:1-11:

Day 54 - Maturity Leads to Unity

Though every believer should be rooted in all of the basic Christian doctrines, no one person, church, or movement, has all the truth. As we discussed earlier, the gravitational pull of all the different planets help keep the earth in its proper orbit. Likewise, all the spiritual heavenly bodies need each other's influence to stay in their proper orbits. What we have must be joined to what the Lord gives to the rest of His body if we are to have the whole truth. This is stated in the Lord's Prayer the night before He was crucified:

The Compelling Vision- The Greatest Christian Life, Part 20

         I shared how I had built a successful business while running from my calling in the Lord. I do think it was blessed by the Lord, because He will do all He can to bless us, even if we are not being perfectly obedient. However, as we see throughout the Scriptures, the Lord will bless many things He will not inhabit. Good can be the worst enemy of best, and there can be a great difference between good and best. We are all given the freedom to make this choice. Romans 12:2 exhorts,

Day 6 - The Day

And there was evening and there was morning, one day (see Genesis 1:5).
Here we see that a day begins with the evening. This is a prophecy that with the great things the Lord brings forth, there is usually darkness before the dawn. This is a consistent truth throughout the Scriptures.
For example, Israel was subject to four hundred years of slavery before they were led into the freedom of the Promised Land. Their oppression became the greatest just before they were set free by the power of God.

Restoration - The Great Commission, Part 32

         Adam was God’s agent to rule over the earth. When man sinned against God, all that had been placed under man’s dominion suffered the consequences. Death entered the world and all living things on earth must suffer it. Through one man death entered the world and through one man, Jesus, death will be removed from the world. This is why Jesus is referred to as “the last Adam.”

Taking the Land, Part 14

The next few chapters of Joshua are the history of how Israel defeated and possessed all of the cities and fortresses in their Promised Land. They were commanded to utterly destroy the inhabitants because they had been given over to forms of idolatry and perversion. If they were not completely destroyed, they would cause Israel to stumble in the future.

The Fruit of the Land, Part 3

As we have discussed, Israel was not just called out of bondage, but into the glorious freedom of God and into a new land of promised prosperity and blessing. Likewise, we are not just called out of this world, or this present evil age, but we are called to the kingdom of God. It, too, is a place of unprecedented prosperity and blessing. However, we must fundamentally keep in mind that the Lord’s kingdom “is not of this world” (see John 18:36). It is a transcendent kingdom far above this realm.