Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Day 79 - Resurrection Life

Have you ever considered that one reason many have a hard time believing in the resurrection is because they look at the weakness of the Lord's own body, the church, with less than 10 percent of its members functioning? Of course the church is given as the most frequent reason why people do not believe the gospel, and this is understandable. However, before the end comes the church is going to be the glorious bride that she is called to be, with a body that functions with a beauty, grace, and power that will cause the world to marvel. Why not now?

Day 31 - The Delusion

And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?" (Genesis 3:8-9)

A Word for 2015, Part 53

        Each New Year we usually say “Good-bye!” to the previous year with a “Good riddance!” Every year has its challenges, but after a few more years go by, we tend to remember only the good things. One thing we can surely rejoice in is that the Lord chooses to forget all of our confessed sin and only remembers the good we have done. If we are going to be one with Him, we too will have to forget our sins and our failures, and only remember the good things.

Ukraine Crisis Part 2

       The Ukraine Crisis and the Russian takeover of the Crimea continue to dominate the attention of the world and will likely have a big impact on world affairs for the future. It is not the first time this has happened with Crimea. To understand the present crisis and its potential impact on the future, a study of the impact of the Crimean War of 1853-1856 should be done. One of the main factors of this war was the conflict of the religions in the region, which will prove to be a major factor for the present conflict as well.


The Purpose of Ministry

For the last few weeks we have briefly discussed the functions of the five equipping ministries listed in Ephesians 4:11. Now we will proceed to discuss their purpose in a little more depth, which is stated as being “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). So what does it mean to “equip” the saints?

Prepared for the Times, Part 23

In Psalm 89:14, the Word of God declares, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; loving kindness and truth go before You.” Righteousness is doing what is right in the sight of the Lord. Justice is also established by His standards. However, mercy and truth go before Him because none are righteous or just in His sight without His mercy. Even so, after His mercy His truth will surely follow.

Prophetic Words for 1996

The following are prophetic words, dreams, visions and revelations that we felt relate specifically to 1996. They were received by those whose prophetic gifts we have found to be trustworthy. The interpretations and applications usually came from discussions I had with those receiving the revelations, but they were written by me. It therefore must be considered that in some cases those receiving the revelation may have different interpretations or applications.