Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 95

After Phase I of a work or move of God, it is hard to transition into Phase II, which is the solidifying, establishing, and securing phase. This will be difficult but necessary work, if the gains are going to become fruit that remains. It can also be a very fulfilling and exciting part of the work...

Taking the Land, Part 94

This week we will continue our discussion of the three phases of ministry and how it applies to the three parts of the habitations of God in Scripture. As a reminder, I have broken them down into the following general definitions. Phase I: Rescue and Salvation. The main goal of this phase is to...

Taking the Land, Part 93

Two weeks ago we began discussing how the habitations of God in Scripture, the tabernacles and temples, were divided into three compartments, and how we had applied this to our Katrina relief efforts, breaking it down into three phases, which were: Phase I: Rescue . The main goal in this phase is...

Taking the Land, Part 92

Last week we discussed how the habitations of God in Scripture, the tabernacles, had three compartments, and how we applied this to our Katrina relief efforts, breaking it down into three phases, which were: Phase I: Rescue . The main goal in this phase is simply saving lives and getting people to...

Taking the Land, Part 91

A few weeks ago, we began to discuss some basic issues that the church is now facing. These are generalizations and do not apply to every church, of course. However, what I would like to address this week seems to be a problem in just about every church, movement, or denomination, which I have also...

Taking the Land, Part 90

Last week we began to address how and why the governments of this world are starting to erode and what will ultimately cause their collapse, which to a large degree is the result of trying to build on socialism. Socialism almost always begins with good intentions, but the good side of the Tree of...

Taking the Land, Part 89

Last week we discussed how the church is supposed to be a representation of the kingdom of God on the earth. For this reason it should be the best run, most efficient, righteous, just, and powerful organization there is, an expression of the character, nature, and authority of God. Even so, at...

Taking the Land, Part 88

The church is called to be a message to the earth of God's character and power, and His kingdom, which is His rule. As the church matures into its full purpose at the end of this age, it will become a part of heaven on the earth, being ruled more by the power and authority of heaven than by the...

Taking the Land, Part 87

As I travel, I continually hear about a basic conflict between "seeker-friendly" churches and those who feel they are leading Christians to a deeper or more substantial discipleship. I am personally thankful for both types. I believe both certainly have merit and are even necessary. However, I do...