Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 101

The church is going through a transition right now. The form of the church that has evolved through the last few centuries will not be able to survive the coming times. Like John the Baptist was honored by the Lord, we should honor the church of the past for all that it has accomplished. But...

Taking the Land, Part 100

Last week, in discussing how the Lord refers to Himself as "the Lord of armies" more than ten times as much as all of His other titles, He obviously considers this aspect of His leadership as primary to His purpose. We will see this aspect becoming primary in the church in the times to come, but we...

Taking the Land, Part 99

The Lord uses the title "Lord of hosts," or "Lord of armies," over ten times more than He uses any of His other titles. He is a martial God, a military leader. In the time to come, we will see the whole advancing church taking on a military demeanor—one of such discipline and resolve that the world...

Taking the Land, Part 98

We have previously discussed a few things we learned from our experience in the Hurricane Katrina relief. This was not something we had done as a ministry before, and we specifically engaged in this because we were told we would learn a lot from it about leadership in the church in the coming times...

Taking the Land, Part 97

Previously, we began to address the question of why it seems that every host of a great revival gets left in worse shape than before the revival. The answer to that question will give us many important answers that could bring a huge influx of life into the church, as well as enable the church to...

Taking the Land, Part 96

Having studied revivals and moves of God for nearly forty years, I am yet to find an example of a church or work that could sustain a true revival for more than a few years, and usually two is the limit. Most of the time, the church that hosted the revival, or the region that did, was left in worse...

Taking the Land, Part 95

After Phase I of a work or move of God, it is hard to transition into Phase II, which is the solidifying, establishing, and securing phase. This will be difficult but necessary work, if the gains are going to become fruit that remains. It can also be a very fulfilling and exciting part of the work...

Taking the Land, Part 94

This week we will continue our discussion of the three phases of ministry and how it applies to the three parts of the habitations of God in Scripture. As a reminder, I have broken them down into the following general definitions. Phase I: Rescue and Salvation. The main goal of this phase is to...

Taking the Land, Part 93

Two weeks ago we began discussing how the habitations of God in Scripture, the tabernacles and temples, were divided into three compartments, and how we had applied this to our Katrina relief efforts, breaking it down into three phases, which were: Phase I: Rescue . The main goal in this phase is...

Taking the Land, Part 92

Last week we discussed how the habitations of God in Scripture, the tabernacles, had three compartments, and how we applied this to our Katrina relief efforts, breaking it down into three phases, which were: Phase I: Rescue . The main goal in this phase is simply saving lives and getting people to...