Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 94

This week we will continue our discussion of the three phases of ministry and how it applies to the three parts of the habitations of God in Scripture. As a reminder, I have broken them down into the following general definitions.

Phase I: Rescue and Salvation. The main goal of this phase is to lead people to Christ and add them to the church.

Taking the Land, Part 38

As we proceed toward considering how we can help build the highway for our God, we want to occasionally fortify the foundations of our own spiritual lives. Just as there were five pillars at the door of the Holy Place in the tabernacle of God and the Holy of Holies, there are five basic principles that enable us to enter the deeper realms of the spiritual life. These are basics which we should have growing in our lives, regardless of how mature we become. They are:

Ruling Over Wealth

For the last three weeks we have been addressing one of the more popular Scriptures of our time, Proverbs 13:22, “...the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” This is a true promise that is corroborated by many other biblical prophecies. It will come to pass for those who are prepared for it, and should be part of our preparation for these times.

Prepared for the Times, Part 16

To understand the times, I always try to go to the foundation of a matter to see if I can recognize the hand of God in it. We are told in Psalm 90:17, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and do confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands.” I pray this often because I do not want just to be busy but to be about our Father’s business. I want to know that what I am doing is truly His work, and that what I am studying is for His purposes.

Confronting The Last Enemy

When Peter made his great confession that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Lord promised: “... upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18 KJV). The gates of hell are the entrances through which the powers of darkness gain access to this world. They are strategic, usually planned as counterpoints to the important purposes of God. We are coming to the time when all of the gates of hell will be fully opened.

Discerning the Times, Part 29

We are dealing with some of the most important questions being asked at this time: If the foundations of the nations are crumbling, is it not a waste of time to try to shore them up? Why should we not spend all of our efforts and time in building the kingdom and forget about the nations that are doomed anyway?

Discerning the Times, Part 1

This week I need to make a departure from our subject on Mobilizing the Army of God. There is much more to be said about that, and I hope to get back to it later. By far the current events are weighing on people’s hearts and minds, and as a watchman/pastor I feel that I need to address some of the crucial events of this time.