Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

A Dragonfly

The nation now sits in stunned disbelief at the tragedy that took place on the Virginia Tech campus when a student killed thirty-two fellow students and faculty before taking his own life. Certainly our prayers and any other kind of support or help that we can give should be going out to the families and friends of those touched by this seemingly senseless disaster.

America Mobilizes, Part 4

America is now mobilizing for war. We are gathering the necessary resources, positioning them, and making what we believe will be effective plans against our enemy÷terrorism. As we have discussed, the civil government has a different mandate than the church. The church is also now mobilizing for war, but our war is different. Because it is quite obvious that this attack on America was diabolical in nature, this is a spiritual war as well. We must mobilize for the spiritual war. How do we do that? How do we train and prepare? What are our weapons, and how do we use them?

Lawlessness - The Great Commission, Part 13

     This week we will continue with some of the most challenging statements of the Lord that involve our discipleship. This is not intended to make it harder than it is, but to make it as hard as it really is. Not to see it as it is can put us in the greatest jeopardy of all. A basic goal I have is to stand at the Judgment Day and hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (see Matthew 25:21 NIV) not just for myself but for every one of you as well. 

Seeing and Hearing, Part 3

      Overall, the body of Christ is walking in about 15 percent of the prophetic vision that we are called to have under the New Covenant. As we are told in II Corinthians 3, we are supposed to be experiencing more of the glory of God than Moses did. We are also told in Hebrews 7:22 that we have been given “a better covenant.” The greatest of what was experienced under the Old Covenant should be the floor of what we experience in the New Covenant.

Walking in Authority Requires Becoming a Servant - The Path of Life, Part 18

        There is a false concept found almost exclusively in Western Christianity—that everyone will be the same in heaven. The Scriptures refute this. Americans seem especially devoted to this concept, but the phrase in our Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” was a political statement, not a theological one. This was addressing equal rights under the law, which was one of the greatest and most noble concepts ever promulgated by a government, but it is not true in any other way.

God's Ways Are Not Our Ways - The Judgments of God, Part 4

     Our own likes or dislikes, or any other motives, should never be a motivation for prophesying, but rather revelation from the Lord. I have been accused of making predictions about earthquakes and volcanoes erupting on the West Coast out of a dislike of California, but that could not be further from the truth. First, I love California. I do make a lot of jokes about California, and Texas, but I only joke about those I have a high affection for.

Day 142 - Speak to the Mountain

One of the great encouragements I have had concerning the potential of the church in our time is meeting the people who attend our conferences. Because they represent many different denominations, and we have had representatives from up to fifty different nations present, we get a pretty good sampling of the body of Christ. I marvel at some of the most mature believers, most of whom have been in Christ for many years, who will humble themselves to be taught by some of our young prophetic people.

The City God Built—The Book of Revelation

     As covered, the biggest gate of hell was opened into the church when positions of authority in the church became based on the approval of men rather than God. This began in the early fourth century when the Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Officials of the empire were required to be Christian. This caused all manner of ambitious and evil people to enter the church to gain favor with the government, not because of a true conversion.