Hearing God Again (Turning Faith Failures Into Faith Catapults)
Robert Rummage talks about getting in the zone where God wants us be and we will also hear more clearly there.
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Robert Rummage talks about getting in the zone where God wants us be and we will also hear more clearly there.
Rick reminds us that the government is not the answer to our problems; we have the real hope and need to give that to the world. We need to fix our lives and our country by humbling ourselves, praying, turning from wickedness, and seeking God's face. King David strengthened himself in the Lord, prayed, and inquired of the Lord. He sought God's face. That's what we need to be doing.
After an intense time of worship with Molly Williams, Andrew Williams, and Jenny Embry, Jason Hooper spoke about receiving the fullness of God's promises in our lives. He painted a picture of what it looks like to rule in righteousness and justice, and explained that this is how we should walk in our everyday lives. The service ended with an invitation to be filled up with God's glory as praises were raised up to heaven.
Andrew Armstrong teaches that living in the presence of Jesus is a process led by Him in every situation.
This service, Diane Bickle talks about working towards being great in whatever God has called you to, in order to eventually hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant." She shares about being great, not in other peoples perspective, but in Gods. We are to honor God in our work, our finances, in the way we treat other people, and in everything we do.
Join us for an inspiring message from Rick Joyner and for our annual Comenius School for Creative Leadership graduation service.
Today's speaker, Pastor Rick Joyner, talked about tithing is New Covenant and offerings still touch the Lord's heart.
Josh Baldwin leads worship with the songs, "They That Wait" "Praises" and "I Love Your Presence". Rick Joyner continues to share personal stories, prophetic words, and testimonies from the prophetic history of MorningStar Ministries.