"The God of Hope"


Josh Baldwin leads anointed worship including the songs, "Praises" and "I Love Your Presence." Jason Hooper shares a message, based on Psalm 63, about our hunger and thirst for God, and how the hope of God is released by the demonstration of His power. Jason also leads the ministry time with powerful impartation and ministry.

Bringing the Glory Home


An inspired time of worship is lead by Josh Baldwin, with songs including "Door Keeper" "Praises" and "After You." Rick Joyner shares stories of times past when God moved at MorningStar. Rick teaches on bringing the Glory of God home with us. Jason Hooper shares a personal dream and teaches on receiving recompense in our finances. The night ends with a time of declaration and prayer.

Worship in Spirit & Truth


Brian and Ramey Whalen, Leonard Jones, Molly Skaggs and Amber Brooks lead worship with the songs "Higher than High," "All that Remains," "Blood Song" and "Be My Vision." Jason Hooper teaches about the wells that are within us, and how they can be uncapped through intimate fellowship with Jesus.